Whenever a right of way application is forwarded to the Engineer for his review, a deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) is required with the application. Fees for the Engineer's review, administration, overhead expenses, and site supervision or inspections will be deducted from this deposit. In the event the Village determines to utilize persons other than the Village Engineer for such inspections or site supervision, a deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be required before a permit may be issued and the fees for such inspections may also be deducted from this deposit. If the actual costs exceed the deposit, the applicant shall pay the additional costs incurred within seven days of receipt of a statement indicating the amount due. In the event the actual costs plus fifteen percent (15%) overhead are less than the amount deposited by the applicant, the Village shall refund the balance.
(Ord. 1993-21. Passed 4-26-93.)