(a)    Procedure in Absence of Rule. In the absence of a rule to govern a point of procedure, reference shall be made to Roberts Rules of Order.
   (b)    Decorum in Council Chambers. The Chair shall maintain decorum in Council Chambers during sessions. Persons, other than members of Council, Village Officials and members of the press, shall not be permitted upon the floor of the Council, or to address Council, except upon introduction by the Chair or a member of Council. If anyone, other than a Village Official, desires to speak to a member of Council while it is in session, the member, if agreeable to the request, shall leave his seat and retire to the rear of the Council Chambers or elsewhere until the conversation is finished.
   (c)    Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions.
      (1)   The following procedures shall apply to the passage of ordinances and resolutions:
         A.    Each ordinance and resolution shall be read by title only, provided Council may require any reading to be in full by a majority vote of its members.
         B.    Each ordinance or resolution shall be read on three different days, unless Council waives the readings by a vote of at least three-fourths of its members.
         C.    The vote on the passage of each ordinance or resolution shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the journal.
         D.   Each ordinance or resolution shall be passed, except as otherwise provided by law, by a vote of at least a majority of all members of Council present.
      (2)    Action by Council, not required by law to be by ordinance or resolution, may be taken by motion approved by at least a majority vote of the members present at the meeting when the action is taken.
   (d)    Rules on Readings and Suspension of Rules. No bylaw, ordinance or resolution, of a general or permanent nature or granting a franchise, or creating a right, or involving the expenditure of money, or the levying of a tax, or for the purchase, lease, sale or transfer of property, shall be passed unless it has been fully and distinctly read on three different days, and with respect to any such bylaw, ordinance or resolution, there shall be no authority to dispense with this rule, except by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members elected to Council, taken by yeas and nays, on each bylaw, ordinance or resolution, and entered on the Journal.
   (e)    Emergency Measures. Emergency measures shall not require more than one reading. In order to pass as an emergency measure, the affirmative vote of four (4) members of Council on the emergency clause is required.
   (f)    Majority. Whenever the term “majority”, is used herein, unless otherwise expressly indicated, it shall be held to mean a majority of those members elected to Council.
   (g)    Amending Rules. A majority vote is required to alter, amend, rescind or supplement these rules. Any proposed alterations or amendments or supplements shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and placed on the calendar for the next regular meeting under the order of new business. Such proposed alterations, amendments or supplements may be adopted at the meeting at which the same are submitted by unanimous recorded vote of all members of Council.
   (h)    Quorum. Majority of all members elected to Council shall constitute a quorum.
   (i)    Solicitor. The Solicitor shall, when requested by a member of Council, give a verbal opinion on any question of law concerning Village affairs in open Council, but he may, if he deems the matter of importance, take a reasonable time to submit his opinion in writing. He shall draw an ordinance or resolution only upon the request of Council.
(Ord. 2005-31. Passed 12-12-05.)