Personnel who desire to or who become involved with someone in the workplace are subject to the following rules:
   (A)   There shall be no dating activities on village time or on village property.
   (B)   There shall be no use of village property to arrange dating activities.
   (C)   All behavior between village employees, volunteers, and/or officers shall be behavior which is conducive to a sound professional work environment at all times when on village property or on village time. Hand holding, kissing, hugging, sexual comments, and other behavior generally associated with a dating relationship are inappropriate while on village time or village property.
   (D)   Any relationship between personnel at different levels on the chain of command or where one party has supervisory responsibility over another shall be reported by the person of higher rank to the supervisor of that person immediately. The failure to report this type of relationship is a violation of this policy and will be treated as a disciplinary matter. The immediate supervisor shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to assure that the relationship does not detract from a sound professional work environment and may include transfers for the higher ranking person to a different position.
(Ord. 18-01, passed 2-6-2018)