(A) Authority.
(1) To effect the provisions of this subchapter, any person or persons appointed to the position hereby established are given full power and authority to issue citations, tickets or other documentation of violation of any ordinance or statute within the corporate limits of the village, and to file same with the appropriate court.
(2) The person or persons appointed to the positions of Code Enforcement Officer shall not at any time carry a firearm or other deadly weapon, or effect the physical arrest of any individual, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
(3) Delegation of authority in compliance with law and appointed rank. All delegations of authority made pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be in compliance with the law, and such delegations of authority by the director shall be done with relative respect for the appointed rank of the recipient whenever reasonable and appropriate.
(B) Compensation. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be paid $400 a month.
(Ord. 14-14, passed 10-7-2014)