All off-street parking lots shall conform to the standards indicated in the subsections which follow:
(A) Spaces.
(1) Every off-street parking space shall be at least ten feet wide and 20 feet long, and shall have at least seven feet of vertical clearance. Every space shall be situated so that no part of any parked vehicle overhangs the public right-of-way.
(2) Markings shall be laid and restored as often as necessary to clearly delineate each parking space.
(B) Interior aisles. Aisles within parking lots shall be sufficiently wide to permit safe and efficient vehicular movement in the aisles, and into and out of parking spaces. Aisles designed for two-way traffic shall be at least 22 feet wide. One-way aisles designed for 60-degree parking shall be at least 18 feet wide.
(C) Access ways.
(1) Parking lots shall be designed so that ingress to or egress from a parking space is from an aisle or driveway, not directly from the public right-of-way.
(2) No access way to any parking lot shall be located within 30 feet of any corner formed by the intersection of the rights-of-way of two or more streets. At intersections where traffic control devices are installed, the Administrator may increase this requirement as necessary to prevent hazards.
(3) Parking lot access ways (as well as residential driveways) and public street shall be aligned to form, as closely as feasible, right angles.
(4) The access way to every parking lot located in any business district or in the Industrial District shall be at least 24 feet wide unless two one-way drives, each 12 feet wide, are provided.
(5) The access way to every parking lot located in any residential district or in the Conservation District shall be at least ten feet wide; but if the parking area contains more than eight parking spaces or if the access way is longer than 100 feet, access shall be provided either by one two-way drive at least 20 feet wide or by two one-way drives, each at least ten feet wide.
(D) Surfacing. Parking lots shall be graded and improved with a compacted stone base at least four inches thick, surfaced with at least two inches of asphaltic concrete or approved comparable material. (Note: "Oil and chip" is not comparable material.)
(E) Lighting. Any light(s) used to illuminate any parking lot shall be arranged or shielded so as to confine direct light rays within the lot lines of the parking lot to the greatest extent practicable.
(F) Landscaping. In order to reduce heat and glare, to minimize blowing of dust and trash, and to reduce the oppressive visual effects of large open parking areas, landscaping shall be provided and maintained within every parking lot that contains 20 or more parking spaces.
(1) A landscaping plan (either a separate document or an element of a more inclusive development plan) shall accompany every application for an initial certificate of zoning compliance to develop any parking lot that will contain 20 or more spaces.
(2) The landscaping plan shall include the following information:
(a) Proposed type, amount, size and spacing of plantings, including trees, shrubbery and ground cover;
(b) Proposed size, construction materials and drainage of landscaped islands; and
(c) Sketch indicating proposed spatial relationships of landscaped areas, parking spaces, automobile circulation and pedestrian movement.
(1994 Code, § 40-5-2)