The "I" Industrial District is intended to provide for areas where light industry, research facilities, warehouses and wholesale businesses may locate without detriment to the remainder of the community. In these areas, a satisfactory correlation of factors required by the uses exists or can be readily achieved.
   (A)   Use restriction.
      (1)   No nuisances. No production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair, sale or storage of goods, materials or equipment shall unreasonably interfere with the use, occupancy or enjoyment of neighboring properties or the community as a whole. Unreasonable interferences include, but are not limited to, excessive traffic congestion, loud or shrill noises, excessive emission of smoke, emission of toxic gases, excessive glare and noxious odors.
      (2)   Activities enclosed. All production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing or repair activities shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. Storage areas may be open to the sky, but shall be enclosed by walls or fences (whether solid or chain-link), including gates, at least eight feet high.
      (3)   Buffer strips. Wherever any industrial use located in this district abuts any residential district, a 20-foot wide view and noise control buffer strip shall be installed. The buffer strip shall consist of densely planted shrubbery that is at least five feet high when planted and that can be expected to reach a height of ten feet when full grown.
   (B)   Lot and structure requirements.
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
125 feet at the established building line
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum setbacks
   From front lot line
25 feet
   From any side lot line
25 feet
   From rear lot line
25 feet
Maximum structure height
60 feet
   (C)   Permitted uses. Provided all the use restrictions of this district are observed, the following uses are permitted: See division (A) above.
      (1)   Adult uses as defined and regulated by the Adult Licensing and Regulation Ordinance of the village;
      (2)   Assembly, manufacturing or processing of any commodity from semifinished materials provided explosives, flammable gases or liquids, or live animals are not involved;
      (3)   Freight and bus terminals and related mass transportation facilities;
      (4)   Any use permitted in the "B-1" or "B-2" Districts except single and/or multi-family dwellings;
      (5)   Research and development facilities not involving explosives, or flammable gases or liquids;
      (6)   Service stations;
      (7)   Warehousing or wholesaling of goods except explosives, flammable gases or liquids, or live animals;
      (8)   Utility substations or government uses; and
      (9)   Accessory uses in accordance with § 155.031.
   (D)   Special uses. All uses permitted in the "R-3" District ( i.e. dwellings).
(1994 Code, § 40-4-8)