(A)   The boundaries of the listed zoning districts are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map of the village.
   (B)   This map, including all notations and other information thereon, is hereby made a part of this chapter by reference.
   (C)   The official zoning map shall be kept on file in the Administrator's office.
      (1)   Annual publication. In accordance with the state law, if any changes are made in the zoning districts or regulations during a calendar year, the Village Clerk shall publish the revised official zoning map of the village not later than March 31 of the following year.
(Ill. Rev., Stat., Ch. 24, § 11-13-19)
      (2)   Determining territory of districts with precision. In determining with precision what territory is actually included within any zoning district, the Administrator shall apply the following rules:
         (a)   Where a district boundary as indicated on the zoning map approximately follows any of the features listed below on the left, the corresponding feature on the right shall be deemed the district boundary:
Centerline of any street, alley or highway
The centerline
Lot line
The lot line
Railroad tracks
Right-of-way line of the tracks
Center of the stream
Section, fractional or survey lines
The lines
         (b)   Whenever any street, alley or other public way is legally vacated, the zoning districts adjoining each side of the vacated public way shall automatically extend to the center of the way, and all territory included in the vacated way shall thereafter be subject to all regulations of the extended districts.
      (3)   Annexed territory. Whenever any territory is annexed to the village, the territory shall automatically be zoned and classified C-Conservation unless specifically zoned otherwise pursuant to pre-annexation agreement.
(1994 Code, § 40-3-2) (Ord. 91-10, passed 7-11-1991; Ord. 20-17, passed 12-1-2021)
Editor’s note:
   Effective December 1, 2020, the official zoning map and district boundaries are amended so as to change all areas with an “R-4” designation to “R-1”, Single Family Residence.