(A) The street and alley arrangement shall be such as to not impose undue hardship upon the owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access thereto. Reserve strips controlling access to streets are prohibited, except where their control is placed with the Village Board.
(B) The arrangement of rights-of-way in a subdivision shall provide for the continuation of the existing streets or rights-of-way in adjoining areas, unless the Plan Commission deems the continuation undesirable for reasons of topography or design. Where subdivision streets or rights-of-way are continuations or extensions of existing streets or rights-of-way, the width thereof shall be of the same or greater width as the existing street or right-of-way, except that in no case shall the street or right-of-way in the subdivision be of less width than hereinafter provided.
(C) Where, in the opinion of the Plan Commission, it is desirable to provide future street access to adjoining areas, the streets and rights-of-way in the subdivision shall be extended to the property line. If deemed necessary by the Plan Commission, any temporary dead-end street shall be provided with a temporary turn-around. In no case shall access be denied to any parcel or part of a parcel of ground by the subdividing of land.
(D) Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
(E) Local street curb intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least 15 feet; intersections involving collector or arterial streets shall have radii of not less than 25 feet.
(F) Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 125 feet are prohibited.
(G) Unless topography indicates a need for a greater length, dead-end streets designed to be so permanently shall be no longer than 500 feet and shall terminate in a circular open space having a radius at the outside of the pavement of at least 40 feet and a diameter at the outside of the right-of-way of at least 100 feet.
(H) Local streets shall be designed so as to discourage through traffic.
(I) No local street grade shall be in excess of 10% and no collection street or arterial street grade shall be in excess of 7%, except as otherwise approved by the Plan Commission due to adverse topographic conditions. For adequate drainage, the minimum grade of any new street shall not be less than 0.5%.
(J) The Plan Commission shall not approve streets which will be subject to frequent inundation or flooding.
(K) Alleys shall be avoided in a single-family and two-family district, except as required by this section, however, may be required in multiple-family districts and commercial or industrial districts, unless other definite and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and parking consistent and adequate for the use proposed.
(L) Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted, except where provided with adequate turn-around facilities at the dead-end, or where such dead-end alleys provide the only access to off-street parking.
(M) Alleys, where provided shall have a right-of-way of not less than 20 feet.
(N) The minimum right-of-way of local streets, including marginal access streets and cul-de-sacs, shall be 50 feet.
(O) The minimum right-of-way of secondary or collector streets shall be 60 feet.
(P) The minimum right-of-way of arterial or primary streets shall be 80 feet.
(Q) Intersections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided.
(R) Where the subdivision abuts in or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the Plan Commission may require that marginal access streets be provided in order that no lots front on the existing or proposed arterial street.
(S) Dedication of half-streets shall be discouraged, but may be permitted whenever there is no other logical method of platting. However, wherever there exists a dedicated or platted half-street or alley adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street or alley shall be platted, unless otherwise permitted by the Plan Commission.
(1994 Code, § 34-2-10)