(A)   Vehicle on private property. If the inoperable motor vehicle(s) is located upon private property, service of notice provided for herein may be effected by handing the same to the owner, occupant or lessee of the premises upon which an inoperable motor vehicle is located, or to any member of his or her household of the age of 15 years or older found on the premises or mailing the notice to the last known residence address of the occupant or lessee of the premises, provided that if the premises are unoccupied and the owner's address cannot be obtained, then the notice may be served by posting the same upon the premises.
   (B)   Public property. If the inoperable motor vehicle(s) is located upon public property, service of notice provided for herein may be effected by handing same to the owner of the inoperable motor vehicle or by sending the notice to the last known address of the owner of the vehicle, or by posting the notice on the vehicle.
(1994 Code, § 25-4-4)