A.   Unless specifically provided elsewhere, any person convicted of a violation of any section or provision of this code, where no other penalty is set forth, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for any one offense.
   B.   Each day that any offense is committed, or is found to exist, or continues to exist, shall constitute a separate violation.
   C.   In addition to any monetary fine or other penalty which may be imposed for a violation of any section or provision of this code, the city attorney is authorized to proceed in circuit court (or other court of competent jurisdiction) to enjoin, abate, correct, or prohibit continued, further or threatened, violation.
   D.   Prior to commencement of any action in circuit court, law enforcement officers of the city may, in their discretion, provide any person alleged to have violated this code with notice of such alleged violation and an opportunity to settle the alleged violation through payment of a fine at city hall. Such notice shall be in writing in a format approved by the chief of police in consultation with the city attorney. Such notice shall provide an opportunity for payment within a period of not less than fourteen (14) days after service of such notice. Unless otherwise specified in this code, the offer of the settlement shall be in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) for first offenders and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for all others. Should an alleged offender fail to accept the offer of settlement within the period of time set forth in the written notice, such offer of settlement shall automatically expire. Upon expiration of an offer of settlement, any officer may, without further notice to the alleged offender, file a complaint in Tazewell County circuit court charging the alleged offender with one (1) or more violations of this code. Settlement procedures for violations of title 4, chapter 3 of this code shall be governed by procedures set forth in title 4, chapter 3 of this code rather than by the procedures set forth in herein.
(Ord. 509, 5-13-2019)



1 65 ILCS 5/1-2-1, 5/1-2-1.1