9-1-3: SCOPE:
   This Title establishes, regulates, prohibits or eliminates the following properties and activities:
   A.   Height and bulk of buildings.
   B.   Setback lines along streets and water channels.
   C.   Intensity of use of lot areas and determination of the areas of open spaces within and surrounding buildings.
   D.   Location of trades and industries and of buildings designed for specific industrial, business, residential and other uses.
   E.   Division of the entire Municipality into zoning districts hereby deemed best to achieve any or all of the above purposes.
   F.   Standards for buildings and other structures.
   G.   Prohibition of uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of any zoning district.
   H.   Prevention of additions, alterations or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in any way as to avoid compliance with this Title.
   I.   Use of property on the basis of family relationship is hereby defined as one or more persons each related to the other by blood, marriage or adoption and maintaining a common household.
   J.   Elimination gradually of existing uses, buildings or structures which are incompatible with the character of the zoning district in which they are located.
(1970 Code §10-1-3)