A.   Custody of Property: The Fire Chief shall have the custody of the engines, hose carts, trucks, ladders, buildings, equipment and all other property or things belonging to, or appertaining to said Fire Department. (1970 Code §5-1-3)
   B.   Examination and Maintenance of Equipment: The Fire Chief shall, at least twice a year, and at such other times as directed by the Board of Trustees, examine into the condition of the equipment and apparatus of the Fire Department, and he shall report to the Board of Trustees within ten (10) days after such examination, together with any recommendations that he may deem proper to make for the good of the Department. He shall keep himself at all times fully informed on the condition and efficiency of all equipment and apparatus, and when the same shall require alteration of repair, he shall cause the same to be done under the supervision and direction of the Police, Fire and EMA Committee of the Board of Trustees.
   C.   Prefer Charges Against Members for Neglect of Duty: He may prefer charges to the Police, Fire and EMA Committee against any member of the Fire Department for incompetency, neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, or violation of any of the rules and regulations of said Department. (1970 Code §5-1-4; 1995 Code)
   D.   Records and Reports:
      1.   Record of Members: The Fire Chief shall keep a record of all of the members of the Department, showing the date of their employment, enlistment or discharge, together with their age, rate of pay, if any, and the amount due them and shall report the same at the end of each month to the President and Board of Trustees.
      2.   Report Fires: He shall also report an accurate record of all fires occurring in the Village, fire districts and territories under current contract and/or currently being served by the Fire Department, including the date, name of the owner of the property damaged or destroyed, the cause of fire, the loss in kind and in value, the amount of insurance coverage, and such other information as may be required of him or as he may deem of importance to the Village. (1970 Code §5-1-5)
   E.   Organization of Department: The Fire Chief shall see that the organization of the said Department is efficiently preserved, its records properly kept and its rules and regulations duly observed by its members. (1970 Code §5-1-6)