§ 33.001  ACCOUNTS.
   (A)   (1)   The Public Benefit and Public Building Accounts were abolished and the moneys in said accounts were transferred to the Streets and Alleys Account.
      (2)   The Incidentals Account and the Books and Stationery Account were consolidated into one account to be known as the “Incidentals Account”.
      (3)   There was transferred from the Incidentals Account to the Streets and Alleys Account the sum of $105.81.
      (4)   The Legal Advise Account and the Court Costs Account were consolidated into one account to be known as the “Legal Expense Account” and there was transferred from said account to the Streets and Alleys Account the sum of $200.
      (5)   There was transferred from the Fire Protection Account to the Streets and Alleys Account the sum of $300.
      (6)   The Public Boulevard Lighting Account was abolished.
   (B)   (1)   The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago was designated as one of the depositories of the funds of this municipality and the President or any other officers of this municipality are hereby authorized to open an account or accounts with said bank and to make such arrangements for the conduct thereof as they or any of them shall deem proper and the officers of this municipality are hereby authorized to endorse in the name of this municipality for the purpose of deposit and collection in and with said bank checks, drafts, notes and any other obligations belonging to or coming into the possession of this municipality; and it is further resolved that endorsement for deposit and collection may be by the written or stamped endorsement of this municipality without designation of the party making the endorsement.
      (2)   Said bank was hereby authorized to pay out the funds of this municipality on deposit with it in said account or accounts from time to time upon checks drawn upon said bank and signed in the name of this municipality by the joint signatures of the President of said municipality, and the Clerk of said municipality without inquiring as to the circumstances of the issuance of said checks or as to the disposition of their proceeds and said officers are jointly authorized to endorse for negotiation, negotiate, and receive the proceeds of any negotiable instruments or orders for the payment of money payable to or belonging to or in possession of this municipality and to sell, transfer, and endorse for sale or for transfer any and all securities, registered bonds, stock certificates, interim, participation, and other certificates. Each of the aforementioned officers is hereby authorized without the concurrence of any officer to act for this municipality in the transaction of all other business for its account with said bank.
      (3)   The Clerk or any other officer of this municipality is authorized to certify to said bank a copy of this resolution and the names and signatures of this municipality’s officers or employees thereby authorized to act in the premises, and said bank is hereby authorized to rely upon such certificate until formally advised by a like certificate of any changes therein, and is authorized to rely on any such additional certificates.
      (4)   This division (B) shall be in full force and effect and binding upon this municipality until it shall have been rescinded, and written notice of such recision under the corporate seal shall have been delivered to said bank.
   (C)   Said village and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to make arrangements for the acquisition of a night depository bag for said Water and Sewer Department.
   (D)   (1)   There be and hereby is established a bank account at The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company, Jacksonville, Illinois, to be known as “Village of South Jacksonville Pay-roll Account” and all salaries of all employees of the village shall be paid out of said account and there shall be deposited to said account funds from the various village departments and accounts responsible for payment of said salaries sufficient to meet their respective salary obligations; that requests for deposit to said account shall be made at such times as may be determined appropriate by the Village Clerk.
      (2)   Funds may be withdrawn from said account by check signed by any two of the following village officials: Village President; Village Clerk; Deputy Clerk; and Village Treasurer.
   (E)   (1)   The Treasurer of the village be and hereby is authorized to open a savings account at The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company, Jacksonville, Illinois, the same to be in the name of said village and known as “Water and Sewer Bond Reserve Account”.
      (2)   The said Treasurer shall deposit to said account an opening deposit of $8,000.
      (3)   Withdrawals from said account may be made by any two of the following persons: President of the Board; Clerk; and Chairperson of the Water and Sewer Department. Such persons are hereby authorized to execute such signature cards and other documents as may be necessary to open said account.
(Ord. 139, passed 10-1-1941; Res. passed 7-18-1968; Res. passed 12-5-1968; Res. passed 9-2-1971; Res. passed 3-1-1973)