(A) Petition. Petition forms for text or map amendments are available from the Enforcement Officer. Completed petitions shall be submitted to the Department or the Village Clerk.
(1) Text amendments. A petition for a text amendment may be filed by any person.
(2) Map amendments (rezoning). A petition for a map amendment may be filed by the Village Board, Plan Commission, Board of Appeals, or any person with financial, contractual, or proprietary interest in the property to be included in the area of the proposed map amendment.
(B) Limitations on filing a petition.
(1) A petition for amendment to this chapter shall not be accepted if the petition is for a map amendment involving any property which has been the subject of a previous petition which was approved or denied within one year of the new petition, unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Enforcement Officer that substantial new evidence, not available during the review of the original petition, will be presented.
(2) A petition for a map amendment filed by the Village Board, Plan Commission, or Board of Appeals may be accepted at any time regardless of the time limitations stated above.
(C) Submission requirements.
(1) Text amendments. A petition for text amendments to this chapter shall set forth the new text to be added and existing text to be deleted.
(2) Map amendments (rezoning). A petition for a map amendment, which is initiated by a private party, shall include:
(a) A legal description of the property;
(b) A scaled map of the property, clearly showing the boundaries of the property; its current and proposed zoning district classification; and the current zoning classification of adjacent property;
(c) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner(s);
(d) The petitioner’s interest in the property, and if the petitioner is not the owner, the name, address, and telephone number of the owner(s);
(e) The date of filing with the Enforcement Officer; and
(f) Signature(s) of the petitioner(s) and the owner(s) certifying the accuracy of the required information.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)