(A)   Regulations. Off-premises advertising signs shall be subject to the regulations set forth in the state’s Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971 and the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   Differing regulations. To the extent the regulations of this subchapter differ from the provisions of Highway Advertising Control Act, such regulations of this subchapter shall apply.
   (C)   Other provisions of this subchapter. Notwithstanding other provisions of this subchapter which apply to off-premises advertising signs, the following regulations shall apply to any such off-premises advertising sign erected after the effective date of this chapter.
   (D)   Location of signs. Off-premises advertising signs shall only be permitted within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of Highway 267. No off-premises advertising sign shall be located adjacent to or within 660 feet of any interstate highway interchange. Said distance shall be measured from the beginning or ending of the pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main traveled way. No off-premises advertising sign shall be located within 500 feet of a dwelling district, unless it can be proven that any portion of such sign would not be visible from any property, and any dwelling unit thereon, located within such zoning districts. This shall not apply to the subdivision known as Lou’s Meadows, First Addition. Off-premises advertising signs shall not be permitted north of the intersection of South Main and Southland Park Drive.
   (E)   Size of signs. The maximum area for any one sign shall be 800 square feet, with a maximum sign height of 30 feet and a maximum length of 60 feet, and measured in accordance with § 154.093(B).
   (F)   Height of signs. Except as provided in this section signs, clocks, or other advertising devices erected upon standards or a separate support shall be placed so as to be entirely within the property lines of the premises upon which it is located and no part of the sign or standard shall have a total height greater than 30 feet above the level of the street upon which the sign faces, nor closer than 20 feet to adjacent residential property, and the base of said advertising devices will not be less than eight feet above the ground unless approved by the Enforcement Officer, nor shall the square footage of the surface of any sign exceed a number equal to three-fourths of the lineal frontage feet of the property. Such signs will not be supported by any guy wires, or other support other than posts. Signs larger than ten square feet, except IDOT traffic signs, will need to be designed, drawn, and sealed by a professional engineer.
   (G)   Spacing of signs. No off-premises advertising sign shall be erected within 500 feet of an existing off-premises sign, whether or not such existing sign is located within the village limits. (See Figure 3, IDOT regulations from the State Administrative Code).
Figure 3
   (H)   Permits.
      (1)   The Enforcement Officer shall not issue a permit, as required under § 154.093(A), without a permit having first been issued by the State Department of Transportation. The State Department of Transportation requires a commercial zoning of the property on which the sign will be placed.
      (2)   A one-time permit fee shall be charged, in accordance with the building permit fee schedule for other signs or similar structures, to assure compliance with appropriate engineering standards and the electrical requirements of the National Electrical Code. There shall not be any subsequent permit or inspection fees for any such sign.
   (I)   Exceptions from regulations. Except as otherwise controlled under the state’s Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1971, the following off-premises advertising signs shall be exempt from the requirements of this section but shall be subject to the permit requirements of § 154.093(A).
      (1)   Nonprofit organization signs when used in conjunction with joint civic promotions, such as community entrance/welcome signs, and provided that such signs shall not be permitted in any dwelling district.
      (2)   Directional signs, associated with institutional uses (such as, hospitals, colleges, and similar institutions) and places of worship, not exceeding four square feet in area.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001; Ord. 1028, passed 9-1-2016)