(A)   Freestanding signs.
      (1)   General provisions.
         (a)   Subject to the provisions of this section, each building, regardless of the number of lots upon which it may be located, shall have no more than one freestanding sign located along the street frontage that serves as the primary access for the lot(s) on which said building is located.
         (b)   Where there are two or more street frontages, one additional freestanding sign may be located along the street frontage that serves as the secondary access for the lot(s) on which said building is located, if that street frontage is in excess of 200 lineal feet.
         (c)   For the purpose of the above provisions, an aggregation of two or more structures and/or businesses connected by a wall, fire wall, facade, or other structured element, except for a sidewalk, shall constitute a single building.
      (2)   Specific regulations and exceptions.
         (a)   Notwithstanding other limitations in this section, no freestanding sign shall exceed 200 square feet in area, nor 15 feet in width. Larger sign sizes may be permitted only under the provisions of § 154.037(G)(4)(c), and divisions (A)(2)(d) and (A)(2)(e) below.
         (b)   Freestanding signs shall be permitted up to 30 square feet in the B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
         (c)   No freestanding sign shall exceed 30 feet in height, measured from the crown of the nearest roadway with access to the property.
         (d)   Signs 80 feet in height are permitted only in the area lying south of a line 660 feet north of the centerline of Southbrook Road and any Southbrook Road extensions and not within 200 feet of residential property except the residential subdivision known as Lou’s Meadows Subdivision, First Addition. Signs in this area may have increased dimensions as follows: sign area no greater than 450 square feet, and sign width no greater than 30 feet.
         (e)   Signs of a height approved by the Federal Aviation Administration of no more than 182 feet in height only in the area lying 500 feet north of the centerline of Interstate 72 and not within 200 feet of residential property. Signs in this area may have increased dimensions as follows: sign area no greater than 450 square feet, and sign width no greater than 30 feet.
   (B)   Canopy, projecting, and wall signs.
      (1)   General provisions.
         (a)   Subject to the provisions of this section, each business establishment shall have no more than one wall, canopy, or projecting sign on each of any two walls that are exterior walls of the particular business. In addition to identifying a particular business, such signs may be used for the name and/or logo of the building or development.
         (b)   In buildings containing multiple tenants, the owner of such building may assign smaller or greater sign sizes for each tenant, provided that the sum of the area of each business sign does not exceed the sum of the allowable sign area for each business.
      (2)   Specific regulations and exceptions.
         (a)   The area of a wall or canopy sign shall not exceed 10% of the wall area, to which the sign is attached, of the building space occupied by the particular business. Countable wall area shall include the entire surface of the wall, including the vertical face of a mansard roof, whether real or artificial, which extends above the wall of the business on which the sign is attached. However, the countable area of mansard roofs shall be limited to the area not greater than six feet above the eave line of the roof. The area of any one sign shall not exceed 300 square feet.
         (b)   When a building facade is located more than 300 feet from a street, the size of a wall sign may be increased one square foot for each one foot in excess of 300 feet that the building facade is located from the street that the sign faces; provided, however, that the area of such sign shall not exceed 15% of the wall to which the sign is attached.
         (c)   Businesses in the B-1 Neighborhood Business District shall be limited to one wall, canopy, or projecting sign oriented to the street providing principle access to the business. No such sign shall exceed 20 square feet in size.
         (d)   Canopy or awning signs may be attached to or painted directly on a canopy or awning, provided such signs shall not extend beyond the bottom edge of such canopy or awning.
   (C)   Roof signs.
      (1)   Roof signs shall not project more than five feet from the portion of the roof to which the sign is affixed.
      (2)   Roof signs shall not exceed 5% of the wall area which they most closely parallel and may be permitted in lieu of, but not in addition to, a wall, canopy, or projecting sign.
      (3)   Roof signs shall not be permitted in the B-1 Neighborhood Business district or the ORI Office, Research, and Light Industrial District.
   (D)   Special purpose signs. Signs authorized in this section are not to be included in calculating the allowable sign area for a particular development.
      (1)   Parking direction signs. Freestanding parking direction signs shall be permitted for each driveway provided the sign does not exceed six square feet in gross sign area, the sign height does not exceed three feet, and no portion of the sign is located closer than 12 feet from a street curb line. If the sign is located at a private driveway which is for the exclusive use of a single business or institution, the sign may contain the name or address of such business or institution. If the driveway is not for the exclusive use of a single business or institution, the parking directional sign shall be limited to directional information only and shall not contain any other information such as the name or address of a business or institution.
      (2)   Directional and traffic control signs. Directional signs other than parking direction signs shall not exceed four square feet in area or ten feet in sign height and shall not be located within 50 feet of a public or private right-of-way.
      (3)   Parking regulation signs. One non-illuminated parking regulation sign, not exceeding four square feet in gross sign area and not exceeding ten feet in sign height, shall be permitted for each parking lot. Parking lots with more than 20 parking spaces shall be permitted one sign for each 20 parking spaces or fraction thereof.
      (4)   Marquee signs. Marquee signs for the theaters, cinemas, exhibition centers, and similar public assembly uses shall be permitted only upon issuance of a special use permit in accordance with §§ 154.125 through 154.128.
   (E)   Changeable copy signs. Changeable copy signs shall be permitted in conjunction with an otherwise permitted sign so long as the combination of the changeable copy sign and the permitted sign shall not exceed the size limitation of the permitted sign.
   (F)   Supplementary regulations.
      (1)   Permitted special purpose signs may either be freestanding or a wall sign affixed to a building or affixed to a wall or fence. When affixed to a building, such signs shall not project above the lowest elevation of the roof.
      (2)   (a)   A restaurant with a drive-through facility may have either one freestanding or one wall menu sign per lane not to exceed 40 square feet in area.
         (b)   No freestanding menu sign shall exceed eight feet in height or width or be illuminated in any manner other than from an internal source.
      (3)   (a)   A financial institution with an outdoor automatic teller facility may have either one freestanding or one wall sign not to exceed 16 square feet in area.
         (b)   No freestanding sign shall exceed eight feet in height or width or be illuminated in any manner other than from an internal source.
      (4)   One public service message sign shall be permitted when integral to a freestanding or wall sign. The illuminated message area shall not exceed ten square feet in area and shall be counted in determining allowable sign area.
      (5)   (a)   Temporary promotional displays attached to building surface shall be permitted for a maximum of ten consecutive calendar days on not more than four separate occasions during a calendar year, with a gross sign area equal to the maximum gross sign area permitted for a wall sign for said use.
         (b)   Such temporary promotional displays may include window signs, banner signs, and portable signs. With respect to portable signs, the above time limitations shall be applicable to the development as a whole, whether it is an individual business enterprise, on its own lot, or a multi-tenant center.
      (6)   Regulations for any signs may be made more or less restrictive in the conditions of the ordinance governing a particular planned development, in accordance with planned development procedures contained in § 154.037.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001; Ord. 1008, passed 10-1-2015)