(A)   Subject to the limitations set out below, the village will financially compensate volunteer personnel of the Department when such personnel are called to service in any federally authorized interstate deployment, pursuant to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), or in any statewide intrastate deployment authorized by the State Emergency Operations Center, in compliance with and pursuant to the state’s Statewide Emergency Plan.
   (B)   The compensation paid by the village will be an amount equal to the employee’s civilian career pay per hour (if the person is ordinarily and customarily paid on an hourly basis, to a maximum reimbursed amount of 40 hours per week), or an amount equal to the person’s weekly salary (if the person is ordinarily and customarily paid on a salary basis), prorated to the amount of time the employee actually is absent from his or her employment as a result of the deployment.
   (C)   The compensation paid by the village will be adjusted for amounts required to be withheld from the employee’s compensation by federal and state law.
   (D)   At the village’s discretion, the compensation due an employee pursuant to this section may be paid by the village reimbursing the employee’s civilian career employer for the amount of time the employee missed from work, to allow the employee’s civilian career employer to pay the employee in the same manner as the employee would typically be paid.
   (E)   The compensation to be paid by the village will be limited to the compensation based on the amount of time that the employee is actually absent from his or her civilian career employment as a result of the deployment.
   (F)   Unless the village shall later agree otherwise, the maximum amount of compensation to be paid to any employee in any single deployment shall be limited to compensation for eight hours of work missed (if the person is ordinarily and customarily paid on an hourly basis), or an amount equal to 40 hours per week (if the person is ordinarily and customarily paid on a salary basis).
   (G)   The employee requesting compensation shall keep records of the time involved (and mileage requested) in the deployment, which records shall be verified by the command personnel of the deployment.
   (H)   No compensation shall be paid by the village to an employee who is deployed unless that employee actually misses work for a civilian career employer for which the employee would otherwise be compensated. No compensation shall be paid in an amount greater than the amount of salary or wages actually lost by an employee as a result of the deployment.
   (I)   In the event that a deployed employee is authorized by the Fire Chief to use a personal vehicle to travel to and from the scene of the deployment, the village shall reimburse the employee at the then current IRS mileage rate.
(Res. 5/2014, passed 5-1-2014)