(A)   Determination of required number of spaces.
      (1)   Employees. Employees, when used as a measurement for determining the number of parking spaces, shall be based on the number of employees that can be expected to be on the premises during the largest shift. The number of employees shall be based on the use activity operating at full capacity.
      (2)   Floor area. Except as otherwise described in the minimum off-street parking and loading spaces (§ 154.079) the term “floor area”, as employed in this subchapter, shall include the sum of the area of horizontal surfaces of all floors of a building, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls, less the floor area devoted to elevators, stairwells, mechanical rooms, restrooms, and areas devoted to off-street parking or loading.
      (3)   Uses not specifically established on site plan or not listed in schedule of required parking. If there is any uncertainty with respect to the amount of parking space required by the provisions of this subchapter as a result of any indefiniteness as to the proposed use of a building or of land, the maximum requirement for the general type of use that is involved shall govern. In the event that a development proposal includes uses not specifically listed in the schedule of required parking and loading, the Enforcement Officer shall determine the number of required parking spaces based on the similarity of such use(s) to other uses contained in § 154.079.
      (4)   Fractional parking spaces. When application of the schedule of parking requirements as hereinafter provided calls for a certain number of parking spaces, plus a fraction of a space, then such fraction shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number to determine the number of spaces required.
   (B)   Handicap parking. Parking spaces for physically handicapped persons shall comply with the standards set forth in the State Accessability Code.
   (C)   Parking for multiple use buildings. The number of spaces required for land or buildings used for two or more persons, shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses, computed in accordance with this subchapter. Parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use, except as provided for in § 154.079(A)(2).
   (D)   Prohibited off-street parking activities and uses. The following off-street parking uses are expressly prohibited:
      (1)   Off-street parking of vehicles or vehicular parts or accessories in violation of the Motor Vehicle Ordinance; and
      (2)   The use of recreational vehicles for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored in a dwelling zoning district.
   (E)   Use of parking spaces. Except as expressly permitted by this chapter, no off-street parking area shall be utilized for any other purpose.
   (F)   Use of loading spaces. No loading space shall be utilized for any other purpose nor be used to satisfy any of the required off-street parking spaces.
   (G)   Lighting.
      (1)   Lighting standards for parking lots, private drives, and other public activity areas.
         (a)   Applicability. For residential uses, lights shall be installed in all parking areas containing five or more parking spaces and shall be illuminated between dusk and dawn. For nonresidential uses, lights shall be installed in all parking areas containing five or more parking spaces and shall be illuminated between dusk and dawn whenever said premises are open for operation. OPENED FOR OPERATION shall be any time that a retail business is open for the sale of goods or services or a retail, office, or industrial facility actually has employees working within or upon said premises, other than guards, watchmen, or home occupations.
         (b)   Illumination standards. Where lighted areas are required, the following illumination standards (in foot candles) shall apply:
            1.   Minimum initial level at any point on the parking area or drive:
               a.   Residential use: 0.07;
               b.   Commercial/industrial use: 0.50; and
               c.   Other uses: 0.30.
            2.   Average initial level:
               a.   Residential use: 0.35;
               b.   Commercial/industrial use: 1.00; and
               c.   Other uses: 0.50.
            3.   Maximum initial level, five feet from the base of a light standard:
               a.   Residential use: 3.00;
               b.   Commercial/industrial use: 8.00; and
               c.   Other uses: 5.00.
         (c)   Height requirements. Except for low level accent lighting, the lighting source shall not be less than 15 feet or greater than 30 feet above grade.
      (2)   Excessive illumination. Lighting within any property that unnecessarily illuminates any other property and substantially interferes with the use or enjoyment of such other property is prohibited. In furtherance of this requirement, all lighting on private property shall be so arranged or designed using cut-off lenses as necessary to direct light away from adjoining premises and streets. Flood and spotlights shall be shielded when necessary to prevent glare on adjoining properties or streets and to avoid visual interference with traffic control devices. Detailed lighting design plans and calculations shall be provided when deemed necessary by the Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)