It is the purpose of these off-street parking and loading requirements to provide for sufficient accessory use areas for the temporary parking of motor vehicles and for loading and unloading of transport vehicles associated with large multifamily dwellings, commercial uses, and industrial uses. The requirements for off-street parking and loading spaces are intended to reduce the congestion on the streets due to excessive use of such streets for parking and/or loading and unloading of motor vehicles. However, certain exceptions from these requirements are provided for under special circumstances. These exceptions are provided as a practical matter so as not to unduly limit the reuse of existing developed properties by strictly imposing off-street parking space standards. Furthermore, because substantial public parking supply is available in portions of the B-2 District, certain exceptions from these requirements are provided for in this district. Even with the exceptions from the regulations contained in this subchapter, it is not the intent to permit such exceptions that would result in undue impacts of overflow parking from one use onto other properties or public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)