(A)   Intent and purpose. The purpose of the RM District is to protect and conserve areas of manufactured home dwellings that are developed in accordance with the standards contained herein and to provide for the construction of new manufactured dwelling parks that meet the development standards contained herein.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the RM District. In addition to the uses permitted in this district, certain other uses may be conditionally allowed per division (C) below. Other uses not listed, which are determined by the Enforcement Officer to be identical or similar to one or more of the permitted uses, may be permitted as well. When an unlisted use is proposed and appears to meet the intent of this district, but its potential impact is uncertain, then such use shall be considered a special use:
      (1)   Accessory uses (see §§ 154.050 through 154.062);
      (2)   Community residences, small, where the community residence is more than 1,000 feet from any existing community residence;
      (3)   Dwellings, detached one-family;
      (4)   Home occupations (see § 154.059);
      (5)   Places of worship;
      (6)   Schools, public; and
      (7)   Manufactured homes.
   (C)   Special uses. The following uses may be permitted in the RM District, subject to the issuance of a special use permit in accordance with §§ 154.125 through 154.128:
      (1)   Community residences, large;
      (2)   Community residences, small, where the community residence is 1,000 feet or less from any existing community residence;
      (3)   Convents, monasteries, and rectories, in connection with a place of worship and located on the same or adjacent lot;
      (4)   Day care homes, nurseries, or nursery schools as an accessory use;
      (5)   Laundry facilities, common;
      (6)   Parks and playgrounds, public or not-for-profit;
      (7)   Public utility facilities, excluding communication towers;
      (8)   Recreation facilities, common; and
      (9)   Schools, private; except trade, technical, or business schools, college, and university facilities.
   (D)   Density and dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot size.
         (a)   One-family detached.
            1.   Lot area: 8,500 square feet; and
            2.   Lot width: 75 feet.
         (b)   Manufactured home dwellings.
            1.   Per development: 8,500 square feet; and
            2.   Per dwelling unit: 75 feet.
      (2)   Minimum building setbacks.
         (a)   All uses.
            1.   Front yard setback: 30 feet;
            2.   Side yard setback: eight feet; and
            3.   Rear yard setback: 30 feet.
         (b)   Exception. Except where a side yard of a non-dwelling use abuts a property that is within a dwelling district, then the minimum side yard setback shall be 25 feet.
      (3)   Building height limitations.
         (a)   Manufactured home dwellings: 25 feet or two and one-half stories; and
         (b)   Other uses: 25 feet or two and one-half stories.
      (4)   Maximum building coverage.
         (a)   Manufactured home dwellings: 35%; and
         (b)   Other uses: 35%.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)