(A)   The provisions of these district regulations shall not be exercised so as to impose regulations or require permits with respect to land used or to be used for agricultural purposes, or with respect to the erection, maintenance, repair, alteration, remodeling, or extension of buildings or structures used or to be used for agricultural purposes including farm dwellings for resident owners and laborers actually engaged in the principal permitted agricultural use, except that such building or structures used for agricultural purposes may be required to conform to building or setback lines. In the event that land within any zoning district, other than the A-1 Agricultural District, ceases to be used solely for agricultural purposes, then only shall the provisions of these regulations apply.
   (B)   The above exemption does not apply to the extraction of sand, gravel, or limestone, even when those activities are related to an agricultural purpose.
   (C)   The above exemption shall not be construed so as to permit the keeping of equine, poultry, or livestock, including bovine, lamb, sheep, porcine, and other livestock, or the raising of cash crops, commercial greenhouses, or similar operations on lots whose principal use is or is intended to be for one or more dwellings and where such lots are less than five acres in area; nor does it apply to the establishment of new agricultural uses in any zoning district other than the A-1 Agricultural District.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)