The village is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Designation | Name of District | Additional Requirements |
Designation | Name of District | Additional Requirements |
A-1 | Agricultural District | 5 acre minimum lot size for dwellings |
B-1 | Neighborhood Business District | |
B-2 | General Business District | |
FP | Floodplain Overlay District | |
I-1 | General Industrial District | |
ORI | Office, Research, and Light Industrial District | |
PA | Public Activity District | |
PD | Planned Development Districts | |
PD-C | Planned Development-Commercial | |
PD-I | Planned Development-Industrial/Commercial | |
PD-MXD | Planned Development-Mixed Use | |
PD-R | Planned Development-Residential | |
R-1 | One-Family Dwelling District | 8,500 square feet minimum lot size |
R-2 | One-Family Dwelling District | 6,000 square feet minimum lot size |
R-3 | Multi-Family Dwelling District | |
RA | One-Family Agricultural Dwelling District | 1 acre minimum lot size |
RM | Manufactured Home Dwelling District | |
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)