General Provisions
112.01 Construction and purpose
112.02 Definitions
112.15 License required
112.16 License classes and fees
112.17 Holding more than one license
112.18 Applications
112.19 Person subject to license
112.20 Duration of license
112.21 Forms
112.22 Signatures
112.23 Fees
112.24 Termination of licenses
112.25 Building and premises
112.26 Change of location
112.27 Nuisances
112.28 Inspections
112.29 Revocation
112.30 Privilege granted by license
112.31 Persons ineligible to license
112.32 Limitations on area covered by license
Prohibitions on Sales and Unlawful Behavior
112.45 Retail sales near churches, schools, and the like
112.46 Stores selling school supplies, lunches, and the like
112.47 Sale to minors, habitual drunkards, spendthrifts, and mental incompetents
112.48 Purchase or acceptance of gift of liquor by persons of nonage; identification cards; rules and regulations
112.49 Minimum age
112.50 Warning to persons to whom the sale of alcoholic liquor is prohibited
112.51 Persons prohibited on premises
112.52 Limitations on possession of open container
112.99 Penalty