§ 110.01  HOUSE MOVERS.
   (A)   Every person shall, before engaging in the occupation of house mover, obtain a license therefor from the Building Inspector upon a written application therefor.
   (B)   No person, except a licensed house mover, shall move any house, barn, or other building over, across, or along any street or alley within the corporate limits of the village.
   (C)   House movers are required to pay the following license fee before entering into such business:
License Type
1 year
   (D)   No person shall be issued a license to engage in the occupation of a house mover until such person shall have given a bond in the sum of $100,000, with good and sufficient sureties, conditioned, among other things, that the person will pay any and all damages which may happen to any tree, pavement, or sidewalk, or any other property belonging to the village, whether the damage shall be inflicted by such person or his or her agents, employees, or workers; conditioned, also, that the person will immediately pay any judgment that may be obtained against the village as well as any costs the village may incur in consequence of the granting of such license, and all the acts done thereunder, and will, in all things, strictly comply with the conditions of his or her license.
   (E)   The person licensed as a house mover shall in each and every instance, before moving any building, obtain a written permit to do so from the Building Inspector and shall pay a fee of $250; thereupon the Building Inspector shall issue a permit stating specifically the condition, prescribing the route to be taken, and limiting the time for the removal; provided, however, that no permit shall be issued for the removal of any building in the village, unless the conditions set forth in said permit comply with all applicable village ordinances.
   (F)   No person licensed as a house mover shall be issued a permit to move a house, or any other structure that is to be used as a residence, on to property located within the corporate limits of the village unless the owner of the property, on which the house or other structure is to be moved, shall have given bond in the sum of$100,000 with good and sufficient sureties, conditioned that the owner of said property shall, within 90 days from the date said house or structure is moved on to said property, place said house or structure on a suitable foundation, and place said house or structure in a condition suitable for human occupation, including installation of all appropriate exterior porches, stairways, doors, windows, and installation of sewer, water, and electricity.
   (G)   Every house mover, while using any portion of the street or sidewalk, shall cause at least one red light to be placed in a conspicuous place in front and one in the rear of any building, or any other obstruction placed in the street by him or her, from sunset to sunrise of each night. He or she shall also leave all streets and alleys over which he or she has moved any building in as good condition as they were before being so used by him or her, and shall strictly comply with the terms of his or her license.
(Ord. 331, passed 8-19-1965)  Penalty, see § 110.99