(A)   Every police officer issuing a traffic violation notice or citation shall, by appropriate mark or symbol, identify himself or herself on such notice as the officer issuing the same, and shall retain and cause to be filed in the office of the Clerk or of the Village Administrator, a duplicate of such traffic violation notice. The traffic violation notice or citation itself shall be left with the owner or operator of the vehicle if known, or placed in or affixed to the vehicle if the owner or operator is not present.
   (B)   The owner or authorized operator of any impounded vehicle may have the vehicle removed from impoundment by paying the penalties imposed by this chapter. If for such violation as an impounding fee plus all costs and expenses that have been incurred for the towage and storage of such vehicle, plus all impounding fees, towage and storage charges which have theretofore accrued against such vehicle during the time of his or her ownership thereof.
   (C)   The owner or driver of any vehicle issued a traffic notice, or citation for violating any of the provisions of this chapter may avoid prosecution for such violation by paying within seven days of the time of the issuance of such notice or citation at the Village Hall the sum of $50 in addition to any towage, storage, or impounding fees or charges, if any, and by surrendering to the Village Clerk or his or her designee the traffic violation notice or citation delivered to him or her or placed upon such vehicle, after indicating thereon his or her name, street address, and place of residence.
   (D)   If such owner or driver fails to pay the designated amount described in division (C) above within seven days of such violation, he or she may thereafter avoid prosecution of the violation only by paying the sum of $60.
   (E)   The Village Clerk or his or her designee, upon receipt of the payment or any sum of money by a violator charged with violating any provision of this chapter, shall issue to such person a receipt therefore, on an official receipt form of the village, bearing the signature of the person receiving the fine on behalf of the village, and the date of its payment. A duplicate receipt, together with the money paid to village shall be delivered to the Village Treasurer who shall credit the funds to the appropriate fund of the village
(Ord. passed 8-1-2019)