(A)   Wastewater service shall be furnished only upon the filing of an application with the village on a form supplied by the village. The application shall include, but not be limited to, the name of the applicant, the premises to be served, the size of service desired, the date service is desired, and shall include a record of service installation, inspection, and approval by the authority, and a record of water meter and wastewater meter readings upon commencement of service to the applicant.
   (B)   The work of installing sewers performed pursuant to permit shall be done by skilled and responsible sewer builders and drain layers approved by the village. Notice must be given to the village at least one working day prior to the beginning of any work upon a building sewer or a public sewer and no materials shall be used or work covered until inspected and approved by the village.
   (C)   Any person filling over a sewer shall provide written notice of such action to the village at least one working day prior to the commencement of the filling. Such written notice shall not absolve the person from any liability for damage to or collapse of the sewer as a result of such filling. Any manholes in such fill shall be brought to the grade of the fill to the satisfaction of the village at the cost of the person doing the filling.
   (D)   No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenances thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the village. Before a permit may be issued for excavating for sewers in any public street, way, or alley, the person applying for such permit shall have executed unto the village and deposited with the village a bond with corporate surety, said bond to cover public liability in a sum of not less than $40,000 and property damage in a sum of not less than $10,000 and worker’s compensation insurance fully protecting all persons who may be in his or her employ, conditioned that he or she will perform faithfully all work with due care and diligence, and in accordance with the laws, codes, or ordinances pertaining to sewers. This bond shall state that the person will indemnify and save harmless the village and the owner of the premises against all damages, costs, expenses, outlays, and claims of every nature and kind arising out of unskillfulness or negligence on his or her part in connection with sewers or excavation for sewers as prescribed in this chapter. Such bond shall remain in force and must be executed for a period of one year, except that on such expiration, it shall remain in force as to all penalties, claims, and demands that may have accrued thereunder prior to such expiration.
   (E)   (1)   There shall be two classes of building sewer permits: for residential wastewater service; and for commercial, institutional, governmental, or industrial wastewater service. In either case, the owner or his or her agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the village.
      (2)   The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the village. Any industry, as a condition of permit authorization, must provide information describing its wastewater constituents, characteristics, and type of activity.
   (F)   The village shall not approve any connection of the building sewer to the public sewer unless and until the inspector shall determine that such sewers are constructed and installed in accordance with this chapter.
   (G)   A building sewer permit will only be issued and a sewer connection shall only be allowed if it can be demonstrated that the downstream wastewater treatment system, including sewers, pump stations, and wastewater treatment systems, have sufficient reserve capacity to adequately and efficiently handle the additional anticipated waste load.
   (H)   The applicant for wastewater service shall pay all costs and expense incidental to the installation and connection of the building sewer, and the maintenance thereof, from the point of connection to the public sewer of the village to the premises of the applicant. The owner of the person installing the building sewer for said owner shall indemnify the village from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
   (I)   At the time of filing a building sewer permit application, a connection fee shall be paid to the village in accordance with the following schedule for respective types of building sewer permits; as to all persons or entities, whether for residential, commercial, institutional, governmental, or industrial user within the village limits, a connection fee of $100 shall be charged.
   (J)   (1)   The village must approve all plans and specifications for any public sewer extensions. Before any public sewer extensions are installed, the plans and specifications must be reviewed and approved by the State Environmental Protection Agency.
      (2)   Ownership rights-of-way and title must be conveyed to the village for all public sewer extensions installed by anyone other than the village. The village shall maintain the extended public sewers thereafter.
      (3)   No extension of the public sewer will be permitted if, in the opinion of the village, the wastewater treatment system does not have the necessary capacity to serve the proposed extension.
   (K)   A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building, except that where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the extension considered as the building sewer for the rear building; and except that multifamily dwelling units, including apartments and mobile home trailer parks, may use a single common building sewer for drainage of individual dwelling units.
   (L)   Old building sewers or any portion thereof may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the inspector, to meet all requirements of this chapter and are adequate to serve the purposes of the new building and its use. Old sewer taps and that portion of the sewer under paved streets or alleys may be utilized even though they may not meet all the requirements of this chapter, if they are found, on examination and test by the inspector, to be structurally satisfactory and adequate to protect against dangers giving rise to the requirements of this chapter.
   (M)   In addition to the regulations for use of the village’s wastewater treatment system as contained in this chapter, there is hereby incorporated by reference the Plumbing Code of the village, which regulations shall be considered part of the contract between the village and every person connecting to the village’s wastewater treatment system. In the absence of ordinance or Plumbing Code provisions, or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the American Society of Testing Materials, the Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No. 9, and the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois shall apply.
   (N)   The building sewers and/or public sewers shal1 be constructed of ductile iron sewer pipe and fittings meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specification for Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe and A.S.T.M. Specification for Ductile Iron Fittings or PVC sewer pipe or PVC composite sewer pipe and fittings meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specifications for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic pipe and fittings (Schedule 40), and A.S.T.M. Specifications for PVC Composite Sewer Piping or reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) meeting the current A.S.T.M. Specification for Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe. If installed in filled or unstable ground, the building sewers and/or public sewers shall be ductile iron sewer pipe or reinforced concrete pipe, except that PVC sewer pipe meeting the above specification requirements may be accepted if laid on a suitable improved bed or cradle as approved by the inspector.
   (O)   (1)   All joints and connections on building sewers and public sewers shall be made gas-tight and water-tight.
      (2)   Joints for ductile iron sewer pipe shall be mechanical joint or push-on joint. To assemble a push-on joint, the following method is to be used unless the manufacturer specifically recommends another method. After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except at the bells.
      (3)   To assemble a mechanical joint, the following method is to be used, unless the manufacturer specifically recommends another method. Wash thoroughly with soapy water the pipe socket (or bell), plain end (or spigot), and the rubber gasket. Place gland, followed by gasket, over the plain end of the pipe. Insert in socket. Push the gasket into position, making sure that it is evenly seated in the socket of the pipe bell. Move the gland into position against the face of the rubber gasket, insert bolts, and make finger-tight. Tighten bolts alternately, that is, tighten a bottom bolt, then a top bolt and so on all around the joint until tight.
      (4)   Joints for PVC sewer pipe shall be elastomeric gasket joints or solvent cement joints. A solvent-cemented joint is one in which pipe solvent cements into a coupling to form the joint closure. Ensure that surfaces to be jointed are clean and dry. Liberally apply solvent to pipe end and inside of coupling. Shove pipe home, set pipe to line and grade.
      (5)   The elastomeric gasket joint is a sliding assembly in which the lubricated pipe spigot end slides under the rubber ring and into the bell. Make certain the bell and rubber ring are clean. Make sure the pipe spigot end is clean. Lubricate the spigot end of the pipe. Be sure to cover the entire spigot end circumference. Insert the spigot end into the bell so that it is in contact with the rubber ring. Keep the pipe lengths in proper alignment. Brace the bell while the spigot end is pushed in under the rubber ring, so that previously completed joints will not be closed up. Push the spigot into the bell until the reference mark on the pipe barrel is flush with the end of the bell.
      (6)   Joints for RCP sewer pipe shall be rubber gasket joint construction. Immediately before making joint, lubricate entire gasket and inside of bell of last pipe and spigot end of pipe with an approved vegetable lubricant. Take care that gasket and ends of pipe are clean and free of sand and gravel. Introduce spigot of pipe being laid with gasket in place, into bell end of previously laid pipe. Set pipe to line and grade, and then jack or push completely home.
   (P)   The size of building sewers shall be subject to the approval of the inspector, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four inches. The slope of such four-inch pipe shall not be less than one-eighth inch per foot. A slope of one-fourth inch per foot shall be used wherever practical. Any sewer laid longitudinally in public streets, alleys, or easements, which could connect more than one building sewer or could be extended to connect more than one building sewer, shall not be less than eight inches in diameter, shall be laid on a minimum grade of four feet per 1,000 feet and shall be constructed to a maximum depth to permit further extension thereto. Sewers installed longitudinally in a public street, alley, or easement shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a registered professional engineer and approved by the village. All sewer excavations in public streets and alleys shall be properly braced and sheeted so as to prevent any sloughing or caving, and, when the work is finished, the excavation shall be backfilled with sand, so that there will be no after settlement of the street or alley surface.
   (Q)   The building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation sufficient to afford protection from frost. All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the inspector. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with current A.S.T.M. specifications except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the inspector.
   (R)   In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary wastewater carried by such building drain shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged to the building sewer. No water operated wastewater ejector shall be used.
   (S)   No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains, or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sewer.
   (T)   The connection of the building sewer to the public sewer will not be allowed until the completion of the construction of the lowest level of the building floor. The footings and foundation also must be backfilled prior to connection to the public sewer.
   (U)   The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made gas-tight and water-tight, and shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and the Plumbing Code of the village.
   (V)   The connection of a building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at a “Y” branch or “T” branch, if such a branch is available at a suitable location. If the public sewer has no properly located “Y” or “T” branch available, the applicant shall install a “Y” or “T” branch or a “Y” or “T” saddle fitting (for PVC composite sewer) at the location specified by the inspector. Under no circumstances will the sewer service protrude into the sewer pipe to which the connection is made. The invert of the building sewer at the point of connection shall be at the same or at a higher elevation than the invert of the public sewer. A smooth, neat joint shall be made and the connection made secure and water-tight by encasement in concrete. Special fittings may be used for the connection only when approved by the inspector. Manholes shall be constructed at any junction of an eight-inch diameter sewer or larger into a public sewer. Building sewer connections into manholes shall be subject to the approval of the inspector.
   (W)   The applicant for the building sewer shall notify the village when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the inspector.
   (X)   All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, utility lines, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the village at the expense of the applicant.
(Ord. 687, passed 8-15-1991)  Penalty, see § 54.99