(A)   (1)   It shall be the duty of the landowner, occupant, and user, jointly or severally, to immediately cause repairs to be made by a duly licensed and qualified plumber and pay all costs pertaining to said repair.
      (2)   All repairs, extensions, and/or additions to the service pipes and laterals shall comply with all applicable ordinances and the Illinois Plumbing Code.
         (a)   Residential service. All repairs for service pipes and laterals from the waterworks system (water mains) to the load side of stop box shall be made by and at the expense of the village. (As referenced in § 53.005, residential service defined as property zoned R-1, R-2 and RA in Chapter 154 of this code, as amended.
         (b)   Nonresidential service. From the tap at the water main to the property being served, all repairs and excavations shall be by and at the expense of the property owner.
         (c)   The village will accept K-copper or any materials from the latest Illinois Plumbing Code, (Section 890, Appendix A, Table A) from the load side of the curb stop to any premises being served.
   (B)   In the event the owner, occupant, and/or user or any of them fail to make repairs as herein provided, the village shall serve written notice on the owner and the occupant of said premises or post such notice in a prominent place on said premises, directing the foregoing persons to repair the break or leak within seven days of the date of said notice. In the event the foregoing persons or any of them fail to repair the same, the village shall secure a licensed plumber to make such repairs, and all charges for the same shall be paid by the foregoing persons or any of them upon said plumber rendering a bill for the same.
   (C)   In the event the village institutes repair of a break or leak, believing the same to be its responsibility, and finds after entering upon the work that the repair is the responsibility of the foregoing persons as set forth in §§ 53.004, 53.005, 53.020 through 53.029, 53.040, 53.041, 53.055, 53.056, 53.070, and 53.071, the village shall serve 24 hours written notice, the same to served as hereinabove set forth, directing the foregoing persons to secure a licensed plumber and complete the repair. In the event of the failure of the foregoing persons or any of them to complete the repair as aforesaid, the village shall complete the same and the foregoing persons or any of them shall pay all charges for the same upon rendering of a bill for the same by the licensed plumber secured by the village to complete the repair.
   (D)   In the event the charges for repairs payable by the owner of the premises, the occupant thereof and the user thereof as aforesaid are not paid within 30 days of receipt of the bill for the same, the village shall take all legal action necessary to recover the costs of repairs from the owner, occupant, and/or owner.
(Ord. 945, passed 4-7-2011)  Penalty, see § 53.999