(A)   Definition. WORKPLACE BULLYING is intentional behavior by any employee, supervisor, elected official, or appointed official aimed at an individual employee or group of employees that a reasonable person would find hostile, intimidating, offensive or intended to create an abusive work environment.
   (B)   Disciplinary action undertaken by the Mayor or the Mayor's subordinate officer or designee pursuant to KRS 83A.130 generally does not fall within the definition of workplace bullying. Likewise, City Council investigations conducted pursuant to KRS 83A.130(13) will not fall under the definition of WORKPLACE BULLYING.
   (C)   Examples of workplace bullying. Examples of workplace bullying include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
      (1)   Verbal abuse such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults, name-calling, and epithets;
      (2)   Verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a threatening, intimidating, or humiliating nature;
      (3)   Stalking employees inside or outside of the workplace, or causing them to be stalked or harassed or intimidated by others;
      (4)   Disruption of employees' personal lives through: stalking or spreading gossip or rumors about employees; causing others to gossip or spread rumors about employees; or through social media posts; or
      (5)   Taunting or goading employees to the point that they engage in misconduct.
   (D)   Unlike workplace violence, workplace bullying is not limited to the worksite or workplace, and may exist in any public or private venue, worksite or workplace. Workplace bullying is prohibited conduct which is aimed at the individual employee, regardless of venue, by a co-worker, supervisor, elected official, or appointed official, that under any objective review a reasonable person, confronted with the same or similar circumstances, would find to be hostile, intimidating, offensive, or intended to create an abusive work environment.
(Ord. 17-05, passed 7-5-2017)