(A)   Generally. A satellite-receiving antenna may be located in any business district, provided as follows.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   It shall be neutral in color and bear no advertising emblem or information, other than the name of the manufacturer in letters not to exceed two inches in height.
      (2)   It shall be compatible with the appearance and character of the neighborhood.
      (3)   There shall be no more than one per lot or per building, whichever is less.
      (4)   It shall not exceed 12 feet in diameter.
      (5)   Satellite-receiving antennas larger than 18 inches in diameter shall not be roof- or house-mounted.
      (6)   It shall not be located between a building and a front lot line.
      (7)   The full impact of the antenna shall be reduced by screening. If the subject parcel adjoins a residential district, the antenna shall be placed a minimum of five feet from any lot line and shall be effectively screened by a fence, wall, or dense screening hedge to a maximum height of six feet. The fence, wall, or hedge shall be located on or near the lot line bounding the residential district and shall otherwise comply with the applicable zoning requirements governing its location.
(1993 Code, § 53.05)