(A)    Upon receiving an application for a rental license or an application for renewal of such a license, the City Clerk or his or her designee shall refer the application to the Code Enforcement Officer, who shall review the application for compliance with this chapter.
   (B)   The following minimum standards and conditions shall be met in order to obtain or renew a rental license. Failure to comply with any of these standards and conditions shall be adequate grounds for the denial, refusal to renew, revocation or suspension of any rental license.
      (1)   The applicant shall have paid the required regulatory fee.
      (2)   The unit must not be overcrowded or illegally occupied in violation of the fire, zoning, life safety, property maintenance and/or building codes of the city.
      (3)   The unit must not have been used or converted to any other type of use in violation of the zoning code.
      (4)   If the unit is one of three or more in a single building, it is subject to a fire inspection by the city Fire/EMS Department.
      (5)   The unit must comply with all provisions of the applicable city fire, zoning, life safety, property maintenance and/or building codes.
      (6)   The applicant shall maintain a current register of all tenants and other persons with a lawful right of occupancy to any rental dwelling or short-term rental. The register shall be produced to the City Clerk upon demand by the city.
      (7)   The applicant shall have submitted a complete application.
      (8)   There shall be no delinquent property taxes, assessments or any unpaid code enforcement citations and/or liens on the rental dwelling.
      (9)   No adverse licensing action shall be pending against the property.
   (C)   In addition to the requirements of division (B), it shall be the duty of a host of a short-term rental under this chapter to ensure that:
      (1)   A clearly marked evacuation plan is posted on the premises;
      (2)   There shall be no more than one contract per short term rental at a time;
      (3)   At no time shall more persons reside in the short-term rental than two times the number of bedrooms plus four individuals;
      (4)   Short-term rental guests shall not stay in the short-term rental for more than 14 days in duration;
      (5)   Each floor of each short-term rental shall have a functioning carbon-monoxide alarm, each guest room and each hallway interconnecting guest rooms shall have a functioning smoke detector, and no guest room shall have more than four occupants. Additionally, all kitchen facilities shall have a functioning smoke detector; and
      (6)   The short-term rental shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations related to signs.
(Ord. 12-03, passed 12-18-2012; Ord. 15-12, passed 12-2-2015; Ord. 19-09, passed 8-7-2019) Penalty, see § 97.99