Checklist for Site Development
Checklist for Site Development
A. Site development submission requirements
   1. Title of the development
   2. North point, scale and date (no larger than one inch equals 100 feet)
   3. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, engineer and land surveyor. A contact person should be designated
   4. Boundary lines with accurate distances and angles
   5. Acreage
   6. On-site vehicular circulation
   7. Parking
   8. Sidewalks
   9. Sewer distribution
   10. Site grading
   11. Storm drainage and detention
   12. Location of structures
   13. Water distribution and size of mains
   14. Location of fire hydrants and valves
   15. Street profiles and typical cross-sections
   16. Yard setbacks
   17. Landscape plans
   18. Location of outdoor lighting and signs
   19. Traffic analysis if more than 200 cars are to be accommodated on site
   20. Seal and signatures of a registered professional engineer
B. Standard requirement
   1. The plans must comply with all standards and requirements of applicable village codes including land subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance, official map and any building, housing and fire codes. The following exceptions shall be observed
      A. Yard requirements
         1. For all residential developments
            Front yard: 30 feet
            Side yard: 20 feet each
            Rear yard: 20 feet
         2. For all commercial and industrial districts
            Front yard 20 feet
            Side yard: 15 feet each
            Rear yard: 15 feet
      B. Yard area shall be open area and not be used for parking
   2. When a commercial or industrial development abuts or adjoins a residential district on a side or rear yard, an additional ten feet shall be required for each yard that abuts or adjoins a residential district. The proposed commercial or industrial development shall be screened on each side abutting or adjoining a residential district by a wall, opaque fence or densely planted compact hedge not less than five feet in height
   3. For all developments, the front yard shall be that area fronting a public street and which contains the main entrance to the main building or development. Only one front yard shall be required for each development
      A. Pavement width
      Streets and drives within the development shall be of sufficient width to accommodate unimpeded movement of fire vehicles. Pavement width shall vary depending upon parking along the street and direction of vehicle movement
      B. Sidewalks
      Sidewalks shall provide pedestrian movement within the development and to existing public streets or sidewalks. Sidewalks shall also be constructed along streets adjoining the development. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four inches wide, four inches thick and be constructed of portland cement concrete
      C. Right-of-way
      The developer shall dedicate right-of-way as required by this chapter for all public streets adjacent to the side development
C. Review process
   1. The developer shall file nine copies of the site plan of the proposed development in the office of the Village Clerk with a filing fee of $100 to be deposited in the appropriate village account. The site plan will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Village Board
   2. The Village Clerk shall retain two prints on file and distribute site plan and support data as follows
      A. One print to each Village Board member
      B. One print to the Village President
   3. The developer shall also submit prints of the site plan and support data along with the review schedule as established by the Village Board to the following
      A. One print to the Village Engineer
      B. One to Village Water, Light and Power - Water Department
      C. One to Springfield Metro Sanitary District
      D. One to Springfield Engineering Department
      E. One to Springfield Fire Department
      F. One to the appropriate school district
      G. One to the County Highway Department, if applicable
      H. One to the County Department of Public Health, if applicable
      I. One to the County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable
      J. One to the appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
      K. One to the State Department of Transportation, if applicable
      L. One to any additional utility provider that may be affected by the development
   4. The entities listed in divisions 2. and 3. above shall transmit any comments on the suitability of the site in writing the Village Clerk within seven calendar days of receipt. Receipt of plans must be acknowledged
   5. The Village Clerk then will compile the comments from all the entities as listed in division 4. above within two calendar days
   6. The complied comments will then be distributed to the Village Board and Village President to evaluate at a special meeting within five calendar days from the date of receipt from the Village Clerk. During the special meeting, the Village Board shall make recommendations. Lack of a recommended action at the special Board meeting shall constitute a negative recommendation
   7. After the special Board meeting, the Village Clerk shall submit all comments and recommendations to the developer. The developer shall address comments and review recommendations received from the Village Board. The developer shall submit all comments and any revisions to the Village Clerk within 14 calendar days for the next regular scheduled Village Board meeting
   8. At the next regular Board meeting, the Village Board shall review the comments and revisions received from the developer. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the site plan based on the suitability criteria, as previously outlined
D. Review by the Village Board
   1. The site development plans shall be reviewed by the Village Board as soon as practicable after review by the Plan Commission. The developer may appear and be heard at the Village Board meeting at which the site development plan is considered. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the plan by ordinance or resolution; and the Village President shall endorse the site development plan in the same manner as prescribed herein for subdivision preliminary plans. Approved plans shall expire if not completed in the same manner as set forth herein for final subdivision plats.
      a. Recommendation of approval
      If the Village Boards finds: 1) that the site plan meets the requirements of this chapter; 2) that the site plan meet the requirements of other Village Ordinances pertaining to zoning, building and fire safety; and 3) utilities will be adequate, the Village Board shall indicate a recommendation for approval on three copies of the plan in substantially the following language:
      “This site development is recommended for approval by the Southern View Village Board”.
       Village President
Date: ____________________
      b. Recommendation of disapproval
      If the Village Board does not make the findings in division A. above, it shall inform the developer of its findings in writing and state the noncompliance found, and shall endorse three copies of the site plan with its recommendation of disapproval, and shall forward the plans to the Village Board for further disposition, along with minutes of the meeting at which the plans were disapproved
      If the developer desires to amend the disapproved large scale plans prior to consideration by the Village Board, the developer shall begin the review process over again without the filing fees
E. Construction plans
   1. The developer shall submit construction plans for private drives, streets, sidewalks, grading, drainage and utilities to the Village Engineer for review in the same manner and for the same review and inspection fees as prescribed herein for subdivision plats
F. Construction and securities
   1. No building permits shall be issued for any structure or mobile homes unless the large scale development plan has been approved by the Village Board and construction work either has been installed according to the approved construction plans or a security provided in the same manner as set forth in this chapter for final plans of subdivision. Security for completion of private drives, streets, grading and drainage shall not be required for purely residential developments containing less than eight living units; however, utilities and other facilities serving a public function must be built or security provided
(Prior Code, § 153.182) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)