(A)   The position of hearing officer is hereby created. The Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Village Board and shall serve at the pleasure of the Village President. The Hearing Officer shall be compensated at an hourly rate, as set from time to time, plus expenses, and shall be an independent contractor.
   (B)   The Hearing Officer shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in the state for at least three years. Prior to conducting proceedings under this subchapter, the Hearing Officer shall successfully complete a formal training program, as prescribed by 65 ILCS 5/1-2.2-1.
   (C)   The Hearing Officer shall have the duty to:
      (1)   Preside at an administrative hearing called to determine whether or not a code violation exists;
      (2)   Hear testimony and accept evidence from all interested parties relevant to the existence of a code violation;
      (3)   Preserve and authenticate the transcript, if any, and record of the hearing and all exhibits and evidence introduced at the hearing; and
      (4)   Issue and sign a written finding, decision and order stating whether a code violation exists.
(Ord. 19-07-001, passed 7-9-2019)