(A)   Presence of subdivider’s observer. The subdivider’s engineer shall have a full-time qualified resident observer present on the construction site for the following:
      (1)   Approval of the subgrade prior to paving; and
      (2)   Continuous observation of all phases of the curb paving operation, construction of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, construction of storm sewer and appurtenances.
   (B)   Presence of subdivider’s contractor superintendent. The subdivider’s contractor shall have a superintendent on the job site, at all times, while construction is in progress. The superintendent shall be responsible for the entire construction procedure. In his or her absence, the superintendent shall indicate to the subdivider’s observer, the person temporarily responsible for the conduct of the work.
   (C)   Inspection by Village Engineer. All required improvements to be installed under the provisions of this chapter shall be checked during the course of construction by the Village Engineer. The cost of any reinspection of any required improvement found to be faulty or not in accordance with the approved plans and specifications shall be paid by the subdivider to the village. The testing of any concrete, asphalt, soil, other materials or workmanship shall be done at the direction of the village and at the expense of the subdivider.
(Prior Code, § 153.087) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)