(A)   Submission requirements.
Checklist for Construction Plans
Checklist for Construction Plans
A. General
   1. Sheets no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches
   2. Scales no larger than one inch equals 50 feet
B. Cover sheet
   1. Location map showing location of development
   2. Title of construction plans
   3. Scale and symbols used
   4. Index of sheets
   5. Summary of quantities
   6. Appropriate places for approval signatures
      a. Village Engineer of Southern View
      b. IEPA construction permit*
   7. Signature and seal of registered professional engineer
   8. All plan sheets shall have north arrow and scale
   9. All plan sheets shall show benchmarks with elevations. Benchmarks shall be referenced to mean sea level datum as determined by the U.S. Geological Society (USGS)
   10. Typical sections shall show all existing and proposed
      a. Right-of-way
      b. Pavement width, thickness and type
      c. Pavement base width, thickness and type
      d. Sub-grade width, thickness and type
      e. Crown
      f. Curb and gutter, size and type
      g. Sidewalks, size and type
      h. Any other items that might be of importance of the design
   11. Plan sheets shall show locations of all existing
      a. Streets and roads
      b. Right-of-way lines
      c. Sanitary sewers and structures
      d. Storm sewer and structures
      e. Sidewalks
      f. Drainage ditches
      g. Easements
      h. Rear lot drainage
      i. Direction of storm drainage flow
      j. Survey monument
      k. Water mains, valves
      l. Fire hydrants
      m. Gas mains and valves
      n. Electrical supply and structures
      o. All other utilities and structures
      p. Any other appurtenances of structure that might influence design considerations
   12. Profile sheets shall show all existing
      a. Ground line and or street grades with elevations
      b. All existing utilities
   13. Plan sheets shall show locations of all proposed
      a. Streets and roads
      b. Right-of-way lines
      c. Sanitary sewers and structures
      d. Storm sewer and structures
      e. Sidewalks
      f. Drainage ditches
      g. Easements
      h. Rear lot drainage
      i. Direction of storm drainage flow
      j. Survey monument
      k. Water mains, valves
      l. Fire hydrants
      m. Gas mains and valves
      n. Electrical supply and structures
      o. All other utilities and structures
      p. Any other appurtenances of structure that might influence design considerations
   14. Profile sheets shall show all proposed
      a. Ground line and or street grades with elevations
      b. All existing utilities
   15. Detail sheets showing details of
      a. Manholes
      b. Inlets
      c. Catch basins
      d. Curb and gutter
      e. Drainage structures
      f. Any other drainage structure or item to be constructed
      g. Reference to IDOT Standards
   16. Design computations for
      a. Storm sewer
      b. Special structures
      c. Pavement (when required)
   17. Erosion control plan showing temporary and permanent measurements
      a. Location and types of all items
      b. Any descriptions required
   18. Cross sections showing
      a. All existing features
      b. All proposed features
      c. Earthwork quantities (if required)
   19. Proof of application for an access permit from (if required)
      a. Township Roadway Commissioner
      b. County Highway Department
      c. State Department of Transportation
   20. Proof of application for 404 permit (if required)
   21. Other specific additional information requested by the Village Engineer
   22. Permits for sanitary sewer construction, if required
   23. Percolation test results for each lot, if required
   24. Detailed cost estimate for construction cost including sum of quantities and unit prices for each item
   25. Letter from the utility company stating that the street lighting system meets their minimum requirements (if applicable)
   26. Grading plan sheet showing overall existing and proposed contours with elevations. Contours shall be one or two-foot intervals
   27. Any or all permits required
   28. Proof of acquisition of all properties and easements
   (B)   Review process.
Checklist for Construction Plans
Checklist for Construction Plans
A. Subdivider submit two sets of construction plans with support data to the Village Clerk
B. Village Clerk shall distribute the construction plans with support data as follows
   1. Retain one on file
   2. One to Village Board members and Village President
C. Subdivider shall submit one set of construction plans with support data to the following
   1. Village Engineer
   2. Village Water, Light and Power (Water Department)
   3. Springfield Metro Sanitary District
   4. Springfield Engineer Department
   5. Springfield Fire Department
   6. Appropriate school district
   7. County Highway Department, if applicable
   8. County Department of Public Health, if applicable
   9. County Soil and Water Conservation, if applicable
   10. Appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
   11. State Department of Transportation, if applicable
   12. Any additional utility provider, if applicable
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
D. Village Clerk received comments within 30 calendar days from the following
   1. Each Board member
      A. Board member
      B. Board member
      C. Board member
      D. Board member
      E. Board member
      F. Board member
   2. Village President
   3. Village Engineer
   4. Village Water, Light and Power (Water Department)
   5. Springfield Metro Sanitary District
   6. Springfield Engineer Department
   7. Springfield Fire Department
   8. Appropriate school district
   9. County Highway Department, if applicable
   10. County Department of Public Health, if applicable
   11. County Soil and Water Conservation, if applicable
   12. Appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
   13. State Department of Transportation, if applicable
   14. Any additional utility provider, if applicable
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
E. The Village Clerk compiles comments within two days
F. Construction plans shall be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days before the final plat is to be submitted for review
G. The Village Engineer shall complete his or her review within 30 calendar days after all items of information required by § 153.072 have been submitted in writing
H. Within 30 calendar days after complete submission, the Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider’s engineer of approval of the plans or of any required changes unless the review time is extended for no more than 14 calendar days by the Village Engineer in a letter to the subdivider’s engineer listing reasons for the extension. If plans must be resubmitted, the Village Engineer shall also inform the subdivider’s engineer of the number of sets of plans to be submitted
I. When construction plans are resubmitted with the required changes, they shall be re-reviewed within 14 calendar days unless the review time is again extended by the Village Engineer in the manner set forth in D. above
J. The Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider’s engineer and the Village President of the approval of the construction plans. Construction plans shall not be approved until proof of acquisition of a township, state or county access permit or 404 permit, if applicable, is submitted. The Village Clerk shall also send a notice of approval to the Village Board
1. Approval
2. Disapproval
Completed by: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Completed Copy to Village Clerk:       Date: ________________________________
                     By: _________________________________
Date Received: _____________________   By: __________________________________
                           Village Clerk
(Prior Code, § 153.073) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)