(A)   Submission requirements.
Checklist for Preliminary Plan
Checklist for Preliminary Plan
A. Preliminary plan
   1. Plan sheet no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches
   2. All dimensions to the nearest foot
   3. Current and proposed zoning
   4. The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded; the names and addresses of the engineer, registered land surveyor, subdivider and owner of the tract with the name and address of the contact person with whom any notice is to be sent
   5. North point, scale and date of preparation and any revisions
   6. A notation stating “Preliminary Plan - Not to be Recorded by Recorder of Deeds”
   7. Total acreage
   8. Location of all present property lines and section lines
   9. The location of all streets, watercourses and other existing features within the area to be subdivided and within 200 feet of the site
   10. Location and dimensions of existing buildings and their proposed disposition
   11. The existing utilities, drainage course and culverts including the location and size of water mains and sewer outlets within the area to be subdivided and on the adjacent land
   12. Contours referring to the U.S. Geological Survey datum with intervals of two feet or less unless a greater interval is required because of terrain
   13. The elevation of the 100-year floodplain if any portion of the land to be subdivided would be submerged by the flood. Adequate buildable area must be provided above the elevation of the 100-year floodplain
   14. Lot numbers
   15. Proposed location of sewer mains (may be shown on a supplemental sheet)
   16. The proposed storm drainage system including preliminary drainage computations when detention or retention is likely to be needed (may be shown on a supplemental sheet). An assessment of long term erosion, sedimentation and runoff changes caused by the subdivision should be included
   17. Proposed location of water mains and fire hydrants
   18. Location and width to the nearest foot of all proposed streets, alleys and their associated rights-of-way
   19. Location and width to the nearest foot of lots
   20. Location and width to the nearest foot of all utility easements. The subdivider shall determine the correct location of all easements to be shown on the preliminary plan from the utility companies
   21. The location of areas to be reserved for public use
   22. The minimum setback requirements for the appropriate zoning district
   23. Proposed staging of final plats if more than one final plat will be submitted based on traffic, utilities and other factors which would determine the sequence of development with the least impact on existing residents of the village
   24. Draft of subdivision covenants relating to the requirements of the ordinance
   25. Written approval of the location of road access by the governmental entity with road jurisdiction
   26. Provide an electronic file of the preliminary plan in AutoCAD format to the Village Engineer
   (B)   Review process.
Checklist for Preliminary Plan
Checklist for Preliminary Plan
A. Subdivider submit nine prints of preliminary plan with support data, and a check for $300 to the Village Clerk
B. Village Clerk shall distribute the preliminary plan with support data as follows
   1. Retain two on file
   2. One to each Village Board member
   3. One to the Village President
C. Subdivider shall submit one print of location and sketch maps with support data to the following
   1. Village Engineer
   2. Village Water, Light and Power (Water Department)
   3. Springfield Metro Sanitary District
   4. Springfield Engineer Department
   5. Springfield Fire Department
   6. Appropriate school district
   7. County Highway Department, if applicable
   8. County Department of Public Health, if applicable
   9. County Soil and Water Conservation, if applicable
   10. Appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
   11. State Department of Transportation, if applicable
   12. Any additional utility provider, if applicable
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
D. Village Clerk received comments within seven calendar days from the following
   1. Each Board member
      A. Board member
      B. Board member
      C. Board member
      D. Board member
      E. Board member
      F. Board member
   2. Village President
   3. Village Engineer
   4. Village Water, Light and Power (Water Department)
   5. Springfield Metro Sanitary District
   6. Springfield Engineer Department
   7. Springfield Fire Department
   8. Appropriate school district
   9. County Highway Department, if applicable
   10. County Department of Public Health, if applicable
   11. County Soil and Water Conservation, if applicable
   12. Appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
   13. State Department of Transportation, if applicable
   14. Any additional utility provider, if applicable
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
      (List utility name):
E. The Village Clerk compiled comments within two calendar days
F. The Village Clerk shall distribute the compiled comment to the Village Board and Village President to evaluate at a special Board meeting within five calendar days from date of receipt of comments
G. The Village Clerk shall submit comments from special Board meeting to the subdivider 14 calendar days prior to the next regular scheduled Board meeting
   1. Approval
      a. One print so endorsed shall be retained on file in the Village office, one endorsed print shall be sent to the Village Engineer and the third endorsed print and the endorsed original shall be returned to the subdivider, or his or her representative
   2. Disapproval
      a. If the Village Board finds that the preliminary plan does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, it shall inform the subdivider of its disapproval, in writing, and state the noncompliance found
      b. One print of the proposed preliminary plan with the written findings of the Village Board disapproving the plan shall be retained by the Village Board, Village Clerk and one copy of all comments and plans shall be sent to the subdivider and the engineer
      c. If the subdivider desires to amend the disapproved preliminary plan, the subdivider shall begin the review process again. No filing fee shall be necessary if the amended preliminary plan is filed within two months of disapproval
Completed by: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Completed Copy to Village Clerk:      Date: ____________________
Date Received: _________________   By: _________________________________________
                        Village Clerk
(Prior Code, § 153.055) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)