Information filed with the Village Board shall be of sufficient detail so that the Board can determine whether and how essential services will be provided and if the site is suitable.
   (A)   Location map.
      (1)   The location map shall consist of data added to an existing base map of a suitable scale, covering an area of at least a one mile radius from the tract proposed for development.
      (2)   The location map shall show the following information:
         (a)   North point, scale and date;
         (b)   Outline of the entire area owned or controlled by the subdivider with approximate boundary dimensions and total acreage;
         (c)   Existing streets and roads expected to serve the area to be subdivided; and
         (d)   Existing utility lines expected to serve the area to be subdivided.
   (B)   Sketch map. The sketch map shall show the general layout and character of the proposed development.
      (1)   The scale shall be no more than 100 feet to the inch. Exact dimension or engineering plans are not required.
      (2)   The sketch map shall show the following information:
         (a)   North point, scale and date;
         (b)   Area to be subdivided with general dimensions;
         (c)   Proposed street network and alignments with existing streets;
         (d)   General lot layout;
         (e)   Potential open space - public parks, existing waterways, drainage or retention areas and the like; and
         (f)   Outstanding or unusual natural features and vegetation.
   (C)   Additional information. In addition to the information required below, any other information necessary for the Village Board to determine site suitability or adequacy of mitigating factors, as outlined in § 153.032, shall be submitted:
      (1)   Title of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivides engineer and land surveyor. A contact person should be designated;
      (3)   Proposed use and approximate number of housing units;
      (4)   Existing and proposed zoning;
      (5)   Method of sewage disposal;
      (6)   Method of water supply;
      (7)   Electric service provider;
      (8)   Fire protection district;
      (9)   School district;
      (10)   Gas service provider; and
      (11)   Percolation test results (one test per each four lots), if applicable.
(Prior Code, § 153.031) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)