The following amendments, modifications and revisions are applicable to the Building Code as adopted by the village.
   (A)   All permits issued under this chapter shall be issued by the Building Inspector and shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. In the event that construction under a building permit previously issued lasts longer than one year, a new permit shall be obtained for each additional one-year period.
   (B)   No permit shall be required for minor repairs, maintenance or other work which does not affect, modify or alter, in any way, the structural integrity of the building, as determined by the Building Inspector. Examples of projects which do not require a permit include those which merely replaces a non-structural component of the building, such as a roof (where no trusses or structural members are repaired or replaced), siding, windows or a fence being replaced with the same material. In addition, where a driveway is being overlayed or replaced with the same material, and there is no change in the size or shape of the driveway, no permit is required. Examples of projects which do require a permit include any modification in the structure, such as altering the eaves, installing a driveway having an impermeable surface to replace a gravel or unpaved driveway or replacing a chain link fence with a privacy permit.
   (C)   Any alteration, modification or change to a building which would create a violation or conflict with the Village’s Zoning Code shall require a permit to be issued by the Building Inspector, including approval of a variance if needed.
(Prior Code, § 150.06) (Ord. 05-09-01, passed 9-8-2005)