(A)   Duties. The duties of the Village Clerk include the following.
      (1)   Minutes. The Village Clerk shall keep complete minutes and records of all meetings of the Board of Trustees.
      (2)   Signatures. The Clerk shall seal and attest all contracts of the village, all its licenses, permits and such other documents as the Board of Trustees shall designate.
      (3)   Money collected. The Clerk shall turn over all money collected by him or her on behalf of the village to the Treasurer promptly on receipt of the same, and with such money, he or she shall give a statement of its source.
      (4)   Accounts. The Clerk shall keep accounts showing all money received by him or her on behalf of the village and the source and disposition thereof and such other accounts as may be required of him or her by either statute or ordinance.
      (5)   Records. The Clerk shall keep a complete register of all licenses and permits issued and the payments thereon, a record of all employees, of work done by contract and such other records as the Board of Trustees shall designate.
      (6)   Documents. The Clerk shall be the custodian of all documents belonging to the village and shall especially keep all ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees.
      (7)   Indexes. The Clerk shall keep and maintain a proper index to all ordinances and records kept by him or her, so that ready access thereto and use thereof may be had.
      (8)   Ordinances. The Clerk shall publish, record and certify ordinances in the manner required by special ordinances and by statute.
      (9)   Village Collector. The Clerk shall act as Village Collector.
      (10)   Other duties. The Clerk shall have such other and additional duties as the Board of Trustees may designate.
   (B)   Bond. The Clerk, before entering upon the duties of that office, shall execute a bond in such amount as the Trustees shall designate.
   (C)   Compensation. The compensation of the appointive Clerk shall be as fixed by the corporate authorities.
(Prior Code, § 31.29) (Ord. 75-2, passed 2-10-1975; Ord. 81-3, passed 3-9-1981; Res. 87-1-1, passed 1-12-1987)