(A)   Written application shall be made for all permits required by this chapter and shall be made on forms provided by the Inspection Division. The application shall be made by the owner of the building or structure affected or by his or her authorized agent or representative. The owner shall authorize any work for which a building permit is required.
   (B)   In addition to the other information as may be required by the Inspection Division to enable it to determine whether the permit applied for should be issued, the applicant shall show the following:
      (1)   Name and business address of owner;
      (2)   Name and business address of authorized representative or agent, if any;
      (3)   Name and business address of the contractor, if any, together with evidence that he or she has obtained a certificate from the appropriate state licensing board for the contractors, if such be required for the work involved in the permit for which application is made;
      (4)   For building permits, 2 plats drawn to scale showing the lot location and orientation, size of lot, and existing and proposed buildings, and location of buildings on lot; and
      (5)   For work involving or including the installation, alteration, or restoration of any insulation or other materials or energy utilization equipment, the application shall show the name of the installer, his or her address, number of any license required by G.S. Ch. 87 or Town privilege license for the installation, alteration, or restoration of insulation or other materials or energy utilization equipment, the name, if any, and state registration number of the registered architect or professional engineer who will supervise the work, and the estimated cost of the work.
(1989 Code, § 150.37) (Ord. passed 7-14-1981)