Prior to submitting a bid, the contractor must submit a fully completed project specific application for prequalification. The application for prequalification shall be the assessment tool for the project and shall incorporate the criteria and scoring values adopted for the project. Failure to provide any required information may result in a denial of prequalification.
(A) The application for prequalification forms shall be available to all prospective bidders. Any advertisements and notices concerning the project shall include a statement that prequalification is required and shall describe where the application for prequalification may be obtained and shall include the date by which it must be submitted.
(B) The application for prequalification shall contain the name and contact information of the person to whom a protest of a denial of prequalification should be submitted ("review official"). For prequalification of first tier subcontractors of a construction manager at risk, the review official shall be an employee of the construction manager at risk.
(C) Application for prequalification must be submitted in a sealed envelope indicating the name and address of the applicant and the name of the project for which the application for prequalification is made, on the outside of the envelope and shall be addressed to the address set forth in the applicable solicitation for prequalification.
(D) All contractors submitting applications shall be notified of their prequalification status by email. If the contractor is denied prequalification status, the notice shall include the reason for denial. Notice shall be provided prior to the opening of bids for the project and with sufficient time for the contractor to appeal the denial of prequalification.
(E) If a contractor has submitted a timely application for prequalification and the Town, or, if applicable, the construction manager at risk, has denied prequalification status, the contractor may protest the denial to as set forth herein. The Town reserves the right to reject any application for prequalification that has not been submitted in a timely manner.
(F) For any project to which this policy applies, bids submitted by contractors who have not been prequalified will be deemed invalid and nonresponsive and will be rejected.
(Res. 831, passed 10-11-2017)