(A)   The Town Manager shall have the power to designate, lay off, and indicate, by ordinance, with the approval of the Town Council by appropriate signs and markings, the following: parking spaces and zones, no parking zones, limited parking zones, zones in which vehicles shall be parked at an angle to the curb, loading zones, safety zones, school zones, hospital zones, quiet zones, traffic zones other than the above, through streets, stop streets and intersections, yield right-of-way intersections, 1 way streets, streets to be laned for traffic, play streets, bus stops, and taxicab stands. He or she shall also have the power to designate and indicate, with the approval of the Town Council, by ordinance, intersections at which traffic shall be controlled by traffic signals, intersections at which left turns or right turns and "U" turns shall be prohibited, and intersections at which markers, buttons, or other indications shall be placed to indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles traversing or turning at those intersections.
   (B)   Whenever any designation is made in accord with this section, the Town Manager shall erect and install the signs, markings, lines, signals, and other traffic-control devices as may be necessary to clearly indicate the designation and to put drivers of vehicles on notice of the restriction, limitation, or prohibition resulting from the designation.
   (C)   An applicant for an outdoor special event may request that parking be prohibited in certain areas in order to make a section of street usable for the event. Upon such a request the Town Manager, in consultation with the Chief of Police and Director of Public Services, if they determine that such prohibition is reasonably necessary, may designate zones, dates, and periods of time when parking is prohibited. When such a designation is made, any vehicle that remains parked in that zone in violation of this section is an abandoned vehicle subject to towing as provided in §§ 90.055 through 90.060, if the applicant has notified the owners or occupants of adjacent property of the towing policy and of the dates and times of the no parking period at least 7 days before the start of the parking restriction.
(1989 Code, § 70.30) (Am. Ord. 1364, passed 3-9-2010)