§ 156.04.D Required Public Improvements
1.   Applicability. Public improvements, such as water supply, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, and other utilities, shall be provided as follows.
2.   Compliance Required. Before a final plat or planned development is approved, the Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Village Engineer, shall certify that the improvements described in the applicant's plans and specifications, together with agreements, meet the minimum requirements of the Village. Unless otherwise specified, all construction work shall be in accordance with the South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual. In cases where this Ordinance is more restrictive than the standards of another required review, or a private agreement, this Ordinance shall control.
3.   Water Supply.
   a.   Consistency. All development must comply with the South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual.
   b.   Provision of Service. The developer must provide the development with a complete water main supply system that is connected to a public water supply system. The system shall provide reliable and adequate water supply, with sufficient pressure, to the uses anticipated within the subdivision, including fire flow, and shall be constructed according to the specifications and performance standards established by the Village and any other agencies that have jurisdiction.
   c.   Water Mains.
      (1)   Construction Standards. All water mains and appurtenances must meet the requirements of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois.
      (2)   Minimum Diameter. Water mains shall be at least eight inches in diameter, and include installation of shutoff valves and fire hydrants.
   d.   Fire Hydrants.
      (1)   General Requirement. Fire hydrants must be installed throughout a development per the current requirements of the Fire District.
      (2)   Frequency of Installation. Fire hydrants must be installed at intervals of no more than 400 feet, unless otherwise authorized by the Fire District.
      (3)   Location. The locations of the fire hydrants shall generally take advantage of clear space adjacent to driveways and be coordinated with the Fire District.
4.   Sanitary Sewer.
   a.   Consistency. The public sanitary sewer system and treatment plan shall conform to the requirements set forth in the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois and the South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual.
   b.   Public Treatment. A complete sanitary sewer system must be provided that connects all lots in the subdivision with a public sanitary sewer system.
5.   Stormwater Drainage and Management.
   a.   Consistency. All development must comply with the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance, with the exception of modifications adopted by the Village, and the South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual.
   b.   Best Management Practices. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) should be incorporated into the storm sewer system as much as practical.
   c.   Watercourse and Drainage Easements. Where a development is traversed by a watercourse, drainage-way, channel, or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse and no structure shall be constructed within 100 feet of the bank of a creek or other waterway without special consent from the Village Board after due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
6.   Communication, Power, and Other Utilities.
   a.   Location of Utility Lines. All communication, power, and other utility lines, except power lines carrying 12,000 volts or more, must be placed underground within easements or dedicated public right-of-ways.
   b.   Compliance. The installation of such facilities must be made in compliance with the applicable regulations of the Illinois Commerce Commission. The owner or subdivider of any property served by underground installations is responsible for compliance with the applicable regulations of the Illinois Public Utilities Act (ILCS Ch. 220, Act 5, §§ 1-101 et seq.) for any public utility whose services will be required for the provision of underground facilities.
   c.   Utility Clustering. Utility services should be clustered within a single easement when practical.
7.   Street Construction.
   a.   Consistency. All new streets dedicated or platted shall be improved with roadway paving in accordance with the Village of South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual.
   b.   Compliance. The provisions of this Section shall apply to plats and public roadways therein which have been recorded prior to the date hereof so long as the public streets and roadways in such plats have not been accepted by the Village. No development or improvement of lots in such subdivision or addition shall occur without first complying with the requirements of this Section, and no streets or roadways already of record which have not been accepted by the Village shall be used as public streets or roadways without first complying with the provisions of this section.
8.   Street Lighting. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with the standards and specifications on file in the Village. Installed luminaires shall be LED or similar energy efficient technology. See Village of South Elgin Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual for details.
9.   Monuments.
   a.   Location and Construction. Permanent monuments shall be placed at all corners and at points of tangency of curve lines along the development boundary. Permanent monuments shall be concrete with minimum dimensions of four inches by four inches at top, six inches by six inches at bottom, and 36 inches long, with a copper dowel three-eighths inch in diameter, at least two and one-half inches in length, imbedded so that the top of the dowel is flush with the surface and at the center of the monument.
   b.   Alternate Monuments. All lot corners not marked by concrete monuments shall be marked by galvanized or wrought iron pipe or iron or steel bars at least 18 inches in length and not less than one-half inch in diameter. The top of the pipe or bar is to be set level with the established grade of the ground.
   c.   Required Benchmark. A minimum of one permanent benchmark shall be established for each 20 acres, or fraction thereof, subdivided and at a location designated by the Village Engineer. This monument shall be of concrete with a minimum dimension of four inches by four inches at top, six inches by six inches at bottom, and 48 inches long with a brass plate securely fastened to the surface. On the brass plate shall be inscribed the number and elevations of the benchmark.
10.   Easements.
   a.   Easement Provision. Easements must be provided for utility services and drainage including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, stormwater, water, gas, telecommunication, cable television, and electric. The location of a utility easement is determined by the developer and the appropriate utility company, to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Village Engineer, and shall be at least ten feet wide. These easements must be marked on the plat.
   b.   Use of Easements. Easements are reserved for the performance of municipal and governmental services, including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water service and maintenance, and for those utility companies that operate within the Village.
   c.   Right to Access and Modify. The Village and utility companies have the perpetual right, privilege, and authority to construct, reconstruct, repair, inspect, maintain, and operate the utility transmission and distribution systems as part of such easement, together with right of access across the property for necessary personnel and equipment to do work.
   d.   Building Limitations. Principal buildings, accessory structures, including temporary structures, are prohibited within the easement. The easement may be used for sidewalks, driveways, and other purposes that do not interfere with the utility and its maintenance. The Village or utility retains the right to cut down, trim, or remove, without compensation, any installation within the easement that interferes with operation of the utilities within the easement area- including fences, accessory structures, temporary structures, trees, shrubs.