(A)   Prior to the adopting or amending of this subchapter, the South Congaree Council shall hold a public hearing thereon. At least 15 days notice of the time and place of a public hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of South Congaree.
   (B)   The public hearing shall be held as this subchapter is amended to extend the renumbering system to the following street in South Congaree (Lines left blank so they can be filled in over the next three (3) years by amendment.)
   (C)   Streets renumbered under the terms of this subchapter.
      (1)   Main Street.
      (2)   McNeil Street.
      (3)   McDonald Avenue.
      (4)   ________________
      (5)   ________________
      (6)   ________________
      (7)   ________________
      (8)   ________________
      (9)   ________________
      (10)   ________________
(1985 Code, § 11-16)