For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONMENT. A situation in which the owner/caretaker of a pet does not provide for humane disposal of the pet, or transfer ownership to a responsible person or who does not provide or arrange for adequate food, water, shelter and care. This definition does not include the responsible release of cats participating in the Community Cat Program.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The person employed by the county as the Enforcement Officer of the provisions of this chapter.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any premises so designated by the County Council for the purpose of impounding and caring for all pets found in violation of this chapter or which the owner/custodian or citizen surrenders.
   AT LARGE. Any dog that is not under restraint. Any dog not so restrained will be deemed unlawfully running at large.
   ATTACK DOG. A dog that has been trained to attack persons independently or upon verbal command or hand signal.
   CATTERY. Any person engaging in the business of breeding, buying, selling or boarding of cats.
   COMMERCIAL BOARDING KENNEL/ CATTERY. Any establishment for the commercial boarding, grooming, sale or training of dogs/cats for which a fee is charged. An animal hospital maintained by a licensed veterinarian as part of the practice of veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals shall not be considered a COMMERCIAL BOARDING KENNEL/CATTERY.
   COMMERCIAL BREEDING KENNEL/ CATTERY. Any person, partnership or corporation or other legal entity that owns, keeps, harbors or is custodian of pets kept or used for stud for which a fee is charged and/or for breeding purposes for which a fee is charged for the offspring. COMMERCIAL BREEDING KENNEL/CATTERY shall not include:
      (1)   Livestock and other farm animals used in customary and normal agricultural husbandry practices; or
      (2)   A fancier’s kennel/cattery.
   COMMUNITY CAT. A cat that is domesticated which lives indoors and outdoors (sometimes called free roaming) and/or a feral cat, which means a cat that is unsocialized or unaccustomed to human interaction. Domesticated cats referred to in this section may or may not be owned by a custodial party.
   COMMUNITY CAT PROGRAM. The terms of an agreement with a pet facility that maintains measures to reduce the number of stray cats within the county by trapping, neutering/spaying, ear tipping and returning the cat to the area in which it was trapped.
   CUSTODIAN. Any person having custody or custodial power.
   DANGEROUS PET. Any pet evidencing characteristics usually associated with an abnormal inclination to attack other pets or persons without provocation.
   EXPOSURE TO RABIES. Any person or pet that has been bitten by or exposed to any pet known to have been infected with rabies. The County Health Department or a licensed veterinarian shall make this determination.
   FANCIER. A person who owns or keeps three (3) or more dogs or cats for noncommercial hunting or for breeding purposes in order to regularly participate in tracking, exhibition in shows, or field or obedience or performance trials at AKC (American Kennel Club), UKC (United Kennel Club) or CFA (Cat Fancier Association) licensed shows.
   FANCIER’S KENNEL. A private kennel maintained by a fancier to keep or train dogs or cats.
   GUARD DOG. Any dog that is reasonably expected to perform as a guardian of its owner/custodian and/or the property upon and within which the dog is located and is owned by a licensed security service or commercial establishment.
   HYBRID. The offspring of wild animals crossbred with domesticated dogs and cats.
   KENNEL. Any person engaging in the business of breeding, buying, selling or the boarding of dogs.
   MALTREATMENT. The act of any person who deprives any pet of necessary sustenance or shelter, or inflicts unnecessary pain or suffering upon any pet, or causes these things to be done.
   OWNER. Any person who:
      (1)   Has a right of property in a pet;
      (2)   Keeps or harbors a pet or who has it in his or her care or acts as its custodian; and/or
      (3)   Permits a pet to remain on or about any premises occupied by said person for a period of five (5) or more days.
   PET. Dog or cat.
   PET SHOP. Any person, partnership, or corporation, whether operated separately or in connection with another business enterprise or other legal entity that buys or brokers any species of animal for resale as pets.
   PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any dog found at large or making loud or objectionable sounds.
   RESTRAINT. A situation in which a dog is:
      (1)   Controlled by a leash when outside the property limits of its owner/custodian;
      (2)   Under the control and obedient to the owner/custodian’s commands within the property limits of the owner/custodian; and/or
      (3)   Confined in a secure enclosure.
   SHELTER. A structure appropriately sized for the dog to stand or lie in a normal manner. The structure most have a roof, three sides, appropriate sized opening for ingress and egress and a dry floor so as to protect the dog from the elements of weather.
   STERILIZED PET. Any pet that has had surgery to remove the reproductive organs.
(County Ord. 17-01, passed 6-26-2017)