(A)   Purpose. To establish a medium to high-density residential district, exclusive of commercial and industrial uses, which will protect property in the district from the depreciating effects of incompatible land uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Single-family, 2-family and multi-family dwellings on single lots, or in group housing projects, subject to the provisions of § 158.137;
      (2)   Accessory buildings and uses of structures customarily incidental to any permitted use, provided that no accessory building is located in any required front or side yards and no structure shall be less than five (5) feet from any property line or principal building;
      (3)   Schools;
      (4)   Churches and other places of worship, including Sunday schools and educational buildings;
      (5)   Public and semi-public grounds for games and sports, parks, country clubs, recreational and community centers or neighborhood buildings and activities not operated for profit;
      (6)   Rooming and boarding houses;
      (7)   Home occupations subject to the provisions of Chapter 116, Home Occupations.
      (8)   Signs subject to the provisions of § 158.160 et seq.
      (9)   Public utilities, transformer stations, water- tanks and towers, electrical transmission lines and towers, telephone exchanges with no vehicles or equipment stored on the premises;
      (10)   Nursing and convalescent homes;
      (11)   Private, non-profit clubs and lodges;
      (12)   Libraries;
      (13)   Hospital or medical treatment facilities;
      (14)   Governmental buildings and uses, except those used for corrections or penology;
      (15)   Nursery schools and kindergartens provided all state requirements are met and subject to the provisions of § 158.139.
   (C)   Permitted special exceptions. Mobile home parks subject to the provisions of Chapter 152, South Congaree Mobile Home Park Chapter.
(1985 Code, § 9-69) Penalty, see § 158.999