(A)   Every building or structure used for business, trade or industry shall provide space as indicated herein for the loading and unloading of vehicles off a street or public alley.
   (B)   The space shall have access to an alley or to a street.
   (C)   The space shall be so arranged that no vehicle is required to back onto a public street, road or highway in order to enter or leave the premises.
Retail business and service
1 space 10 feet by 25 feet with overhead clearance of 14 feet for each 20,000 square feet of total floor area or fraction thereof
Wholesale and industry
1 space 10 feet by 50 feet with overhead clearance of 14 feet for each 10,000 square feet of floor area plus 1 additional space for each 60,000 additional square feet of total floor area or fraction thereof
Truck terminals
Sufficient space to accommodate the maximum number of trucks to stored or to be loading or unloading at the terminal at any 1 time
(1985 Code, § 9-44) Penalty, see § 158.999