§ 152.146 WATER SUPPLY.
   The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 50 gallons per day per mobile home with a yield of one (1) gallon per minute per unit.
(1985 Code, § 6-111) (Am. Ord. 2019-09, passed 12-10-2019) Penalty, see § 152.999
§ 152.147 WELLS.
   Every well shall be located and constructed in a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination will reach the water supply from any source. All drainage shall be away from the well. A minimum distance of 100 feet shall be maintained between the water supply and any part of a septic tank system or privy. Sewers or pipes through which sewage may back up shall be located at least 100 feet from any well or water-suction pipeline. Where the sewers or pipes are specially constructed to provide adequate safeguards, and when specifically authorized by the health authority/Zoning Official, the sewers or pipes through which sewage may back up may be closer than 100 feet, but not less than 50 feet from a well.
(1985 Code, § 6-112) (Am. Ord. 2019-09, passed 12-10-2019) Penalty, see § 152.999
   No well-casing, pumps, pumping machinery, or suction pipes shall be located in any pit, room or space extending below ground level, nor in any room or space above ground which is walled in or otherwise enclosed, unless the rooms, whether above or below ground, have free drainage by gravity to the surface of the ground. The floor of rooms above ground shall be at least six (6) inches above the ground's surface. All floors shall be water-tight, and sloped from the pump pedestal to the drain.
(1985 Code, § 6-113) (Am. Ord. 2019-09, passed 12-10-2019) Penalty, see § 152.999