(A)   All grounds, common buildings, and mobile homes located within mobile home parks are to be maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe manner. The mobile home spaces shall be kept clear of accumulation, refuse, debris, garbage, and unnecessary clutter, and all garbage and refuse shall be stored, collected and disposed of in a centralized and totally screened garbage collection area, such as a dumpster, and in a manner as not to create a nuisance, vector attractant, or breeding or harborage problem. Mobile home park grounds shall be maintained in a groomed and evenly mowed condition and not allowed to grow uncontrolled, landscaped areas shall be properly maintained, and dead and/or dying trees that are deemed hazardous to pedestrians and property must be removed immediately. All mobile home units and common buildings shall be maintained and kept free of deterioration, rotting materials, graffiti, rust, tearing, holes, breaks, or other forms of structural disrepair. Tenants within mobile home parks are prohibited from storing unregistered vehicles and/or vehicles under repair for longer than 30 days on-site.
   (B)   Upon the effective date of these regulations, mobile home parks can be developed or expanded only in accordance with the applicable restrictions contained herein. Legally nonconforming mobile home parks are subject to the provisions found in this chapter.
(Ord. 2019-09, passed 12-10-2019)