§ 152.083 DRIVEWAYS.
   All driveways which provide access to any activities within a mobile home park shall adhere to the following guidelines:
   (A)   Driveways shall be a minimum of 18 feet in width, exclusive of parking; and
   (B)   All driveways shall be constructed in the following manner:
      (1)   All unpaved driveways shall meet the minimum road design criteria as stated in the private road policy adopted by Lexington County. If the unpaved driveway connects to a paved road, a paved apron 50 feet in length measured from the existing pavement and with the appropriate intersection radii width must be provided. A maximum of 25 mobile home spaces may access one unpaved driveway; and
      (2)   Paved driveways shall meet all the applicable paved road design standards established by Lexington County with the exception of roadway width.
(Ord. 2019-09, passed 12-10-2019)