Mini warehouses/self-service storage facilities may be permitted in the C-l Zoning District subject to the following limitations conditions and restrictions:
(A) A plan of development shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Development Services indicating the location of buildings, lot area, number of storage units, type and size of signs, height of buildings, parking layout with points of ingress and egress, and location and type of visual screening and landscaping being proposed;
(B) The development shall be exclusively limited to storage and those activities necessary for the operation safety and maintenance of the development, in addition to those uses authorized in the applicable districts;
(C) Mini warehouses/self-service storage facilities may include one (1) building or a group of buildings with or without climate-controlled storage and either exterior access to individual units or access via interior corridors;
(D) Screening shall be provided adequate to protect adjacent properties in a more restrictive district (e.g. all residential districts) from the environmental impacts of the mini warehouses, such as visual blight, parking or roadway illumination, headlights, noise, blowing papers, dust, and service areas.
(E) No advertising signs will be permitted on the property other than identifying signage of the mini warehouses facility itself with a sign face not to exceed four (4) feet high by eight (8) feet in length, with the top of the sign no higher than six (6) feet above grade and set back from the right-of-way by at least three (3) feet;
(F) All building elevations shall be of finished quality;
(G) A public hearing shall be required prior to any new self storage facility permits being issued;
(H) Self storage unit openings shall not face the public road frontage;
(I) Security lighting shall be provided according to the lighting ordinance. It shall be shielded to prevent spillage on to adjacent properties and shall not shine into public roadways. Such lighting shall be dimmed to minimal levels for security purposes when the facility is closed;
(J) All driveways, parking, loading, and vehicle circulation areas shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, asphaltic concrete, crushed rock or other approved rock other than gravel. All driveways within the facility shall provide a hard surface with a minimum width of 25 feet.
(K) Facilities must maintain landscape buffer yards of ten (10) feet adjacent to any public right-of-way and adjacent to other property lines unless greater setbacks are required. A total of 35% of all buffers shall be landscaped. A buffer of a minimum width of ten (10) feet comprised of at least ten (10) feet in height for deciduous trees and twelve (12) feet in height for evergreen trees.
(Ord. 2020-05, passed 1-21-2020)